The new EU navy is an embarrassing, dangerous farce

European Commission
European Commission

In the European Union’s grand design to become a superstate, the creation of a dedicated defence and security force that can project its influence on the world stage has long been regarded as a vital component.

For decades, European leaders have outlined various proposals for the establishment of a distinctive military formation that would both protect its interests while also providing a viable alternative to America’s dominant role in the Nato alliance.
The most recent manifestation of this obsession surfaced amid celebrations in 2018 to mark the centenary of the Allied victory in the First World War – an outcome that, ironically, owed much to the belated contribution of US forces.

With exquisite timing, French President Emmanuel Macron, who once declared Nato was braindead, chose the occasion to call for the establishment of a “true, European army” because Russia’s growing military strength had shown it could be a threat, and Europe had to be able “to defend itself better alone”.

It could be argued that, if Nato’s European member states were seriously interested in enhancing their security, the obvious solution would be for them to meet the minimum Nato requirement of spending 2 per cent of the GDP on defence – a commitment most have consistently failed to meet.

But such is the strength of anti-American sentiment within the EU’s policy-making elite that they find it impossible to resist any opportunity to establish military operations that can operate independently of US influence.

The latest example of the EU’s desire to commit wilful acts of self-harm, in terms of safeguarding its interests, is clearly evident from the proposals currently under consideration to create its own naval force to protect commercial vessels from Houthi rebel attacks in the Red Sea.

Proposals for the establishment of an EU naval force are already said to be well-advanced, with final approval for its implementation due to be given at a meeting of EU foreign ministers on February 19.

The new force will certainly represent a significant upgrade in the EU’s naval operations, which have previously been confined to tackling Somali pirates and disrupting illegal migrants crossing the Mediterranean.

The proposed EU mission, codenamed Aspides – Greek for “shield” – has, however, hardly generated much enthusiasm among the 27-member bloc, with only five countries – Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and Italy – so far sure to take part.

As EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell conceded when outlining plans for the force, “not all member states will be willing to participate, but no one will obstruct”.

Of more concern will be the limited rules of engagement that will be applied to the force, whose mission will be strictly limited to protecting merchant shipping in the Red Sea, rather than targeting the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels responsible for attacking vessels in the region.

According to Borrell, the EU mission will be “purely defensive”, and will not conduct “any kind of attack” against land-based Houthi targets in Yemen. Borrell is insistent that the force will not take part in any military strikes and will only operate at sea.

The EU’s approach is in marked contrast to the operations currently being conducted by the US and UK, which have launched a series of air strikes against Houthi positions in Yemen as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian, and reflects the reservations many European leaders have expressed about the more robust approach being taken by Washington and London.

Their preference for forming their own force is partly motivated by their dislike of being under Washington’s command, even though the US has immensely more firepower at its disposal.

Many European leaders who initially backed Israel’s right to defend itself in the wake of the October 7 attacks are now having second thoughts because of the uncompromising approach the Israelis have taken in their quest to destroy Hamas. They are more concerned that the conflict will escalate to other parts of the region, with groups like the Houthis claiming they are acting in support of Hamas and other terrorist factions.

Even so, the limitations that will be imposed on the EU naval force operating in the Red Sea will simply add to the perception, especially in the US, that the Europeans are not serious about defending their interests. This attitude will only be reinforced by Britain’s inability to deploy its £3 billion HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier to support US operations in the region because it has a rusty propeller.

Another factor the EU has overlooked is that Europe is a great deal more dependent on the safe passage of its ships through the Red Sea than the US, as this is the route used to provide a significant proportion of its energy needs.

The EU might see itself as an emerging power, but its ineffectual response to the Red Sea crisis merely confirms the perception that its aspirations to become a dominant force in world affairs are doomed to fail.

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