Evasi0n7 iOS 7 untethered jailbreak released as a Christmas present

Why you shouldn’t jailbreak your iOS 7 device just yet

The Evasi0n team has a Christmas present for those iOS device owners that want to customize their smartphones and tablets beyond what Apple officially lets them do: the first official iOS 7 untethered jailbreak – called Evasi0n7 – which works with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models that run an iOS 7 version, from iOS 7.0 to iOS 7.0.4. That means the jailbreak is compatible even with Apple’s 2013 family of iOS devices, including the new iPad Air, Retina iPad mini, iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c.

The Evasi0n jailbreak can be performed with a simple software tool that can be downloaded from the team’s website. The program works on Mac but also on Windows, and comes with simple instructions. Users interested in it should know that while the procedure will offer them an untethered jailbreak, the Cydia unofficial store may malfunction, at least for the time being, as Jay Saurik, the main developer behind it, wasn’t apparently aware the jailbreak would be released and said on Twitter that not everything may work as expected at the beginning.

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This article was originally published on BGR.com

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