Everything you need to know about Aries

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

From Cosmopolitan

Aries folk, born between March 21st and April 20th, have a very warm and passionate nature. Their Mars ruler makes them competitive and full-on too. They have a big presence, they can light up a room. And, mostly, they’re lovely to be around because they genuinely care about other people. Just don’t get into a competition with them, because that can go south for you REAL fast.

To get an idea of the classic Aries personality traits and types, we need only to look to some of the most famous rams (the sign’s spirit animal): Lady Gaga, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mariah Carey and Chance the Rapper to name a few.

This lot likes winning, getting attention and being on top.

Typical Aries personality traits

COURAGEOUS (read: reckless)

Most Aries bods have spent a fair amount of their lives in the country’s A&E departments as a result of some dare or escapade to demonstrate their bravery. They act first and think later, and have little to no personal anxiety about their safety or ability to scale walls/freefall from buildings/run through fire etc... etc…

COMPETITIVE (read: insecure)

Steer away from the mini golf, Monopoly, playing cards or even that harmless little pub quiz machine because whatever is presented as a challenge to an Aries immediately becomes a battle to the DEATH. Underneath this hard-wired competitor streak lies a really vulnerable achilles heel: insecurity. Deep DEEP down, all Aries wonder if they’re really, truly good enough.

Photo credit: Pool/Getty
Photo credit: Pool/Getty

HONEST (read: tactless)

The most guileless, innocent and trusting of the signs - maybe because they are the zodiac’s baby i.e. the first sign. Ask them anything and they’ll tell you what they think, like, ANYTHING. This leads them, sometimes, back to that old friend the A&E department… but there’s no malice, snideness or bad intentions in their outspokenness. They just wear their heart on their sleeve.

DRIVEN (read: pressurised)

All Aries want to succeed, get to the top, to ‘win’ at life and, as such, they’re usually all grafters and ambitious go-getters. But, remember that secret insecurity? It’s there, always, nagging at them, and this can make for a lot of internalised stress and pressure - all self-inflicted. Aries needs to learn to chill out and be nicer to themselves sometimes.

GENEROUS (read: overbearing)

Aries are all giving, warm and generous people. They love making others smile and be happy... but they kinda see that as a competition too and, before you know it, they’re showing up to share their well-meaning (but uninvited) gifts and advice (always, the advice…) to, you know, MAKE you happy, right? Gawd. LEAVE ME ALONE!

ENERGETIC (read: exhausting)

Want to live with a human Tigger? Want to be bouncing and flouncing from dawn 'til dusk? Gawd no. Aries are kinda’ standalone when it comes to energy levels.

What are Aries into?

Sports. No shit Sherlock! If they’re not playing it, they’re watching it or (a typical vice…) betting on it. Bookie shops are chocca block with Aries folk.

Volunteering. Their natural generosity, interest in other people and helping make them happier draws many Aries people into charity, campaigning and mentoring work.

White knuckle weekends. Have you seen The Hangover? That would be classed as a *chill sesh* to many Aries. DON’T let them organise your stag or hen, nope no way.

Showbiz. Being the centre of attention is their cat nip, receiving applause, basking in the limelight.

Home improvement. For such an outgoing, social sign, they do take a great deal of pride in their homes. King and Queen of the Castle, thank you very much. DIY is, also, like a competition with tools.

Who gets on best with Aries?

Kind of everyone, because they’re so friendly and open. However, like all elemental groups, the Fire sign trio (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) all get on well with each other. They're all bright, bubbly, outgoing and action-orientated. It’s like a sexy, high octane Tough Mudder event, with spangles and glitter balls. It’s loud and brash.

The hot tip for hot sex for Aries is to find a Libra lover. They’re actually quite opposite characters and in that difference there’s fascination. Libra’s tact and serenity is like oil on the stormy waters of Aries self-focussed passions and outspokenness. Libra is a giver, and Aries can be a taker. Together, they fit each other’s gaps to make a nice shape.

Aries, we DO love you really. You’re a one-off, and we know you only want the best for everyone (including yourself, obvs…)

Aries most attractive traits

Aries people demand to be noticed. They are physical, funny, warm, sexy and dynamic, and when they enter a room all eyes turn to them because of the force of their personality and humour. They tend to have dramatic brows and an intense gaze, fixing their object of attention with all their charisma and warmth. Aries are attractive because:

  • They have big, genuine smiles which light up their face when they see people they love and like.

  • They are adventurous, passionate and spontaneous, and being around them means adventures are likely to happen.

  • They stand out from the crowd and get noticed the MOMENT they enter a room (especially if they’re wearing red or diamonds!).

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, visit Kerry's TarotBella page.

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