Exclusive: Ease Into the Holidays With the Help of Amazon Alexa

"Alexa, help me make this fiesta pop!"

Holiday celebrations bring both joy and terror as we prepare to make each celebration magical. However, Amazon's reliable voice service, Alexa, is here to help you enjoy the holidays and leave stress behind so you can enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.

Our friends from Amazon have shared four ways in which Alexa makes the holidays better.

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Save on Energy Costs While You Bring Out the Holiday Swag

If your smart home is already set up, make the most of it while saving up on your energy bill. You can connect your tree lights and full-house setup to your Amazon devices so they're all in sync.

Using Alexa, you can automate your holiday experience by connecting your lights to a smart plug and programming them on the Alexa App. Enjoy some of your favorite devices and keep family and friends entertained.

You can also play your favorite movies on your Fire TV devices, like the Fire TV Omni QLED or the newest Fire TV Cube, to blasting Holiday music on your Echo Studio or Echo Dot. If you're unsure of what to watch, feel free to ask "Alexa, show me Christmas movies," and check out all the options open to your viewing pleasure.

Leave Long Lines Behind—Alexa can do the shopping!

Say goodbye to standing in line and fighting for the last bag of marshmallows at the grocery store, Alexa has your back. Simply ask "Alexa, add ________ to my shopping list", and you can keep it there until your shopping day.  You can also create "wish shopping list" and share it with family and friends.

If you're on the fence on what to buy, you can ask for product recommendations and track deliveries by asking Alexa. For the latest deals, ask, "Alexa, what are my deals?" or in Spanish "Alexa, ¿cuáles son mis ofertas?"

Courtesy of Amazon

When in a pinch, you can also enjoy the benefits of last minute shopping with Amazon and Alexa. Hassle-free shipping, top deals on must-have brands and more are available through gift guides that include small businesses and bespoke pieces for your loved ones from Black-owned, woman-owned, and military family-owned brands, as well as independent artisans.

Enjoy Spanish Holiday Content on All Devices and Alexa

Aside from playing your favorite Holiday-themed music, Alexa can be set up in bilingual mode to play your favorite content in Spanish.

Here are some holiday prompts you can say in Spanish:

  • "Alexa, modo Santa"

  • "Alexa, canta tu villancico"

  • "Alexa, cuéntame el cuento del Cascanueces"

  • "Alexa, ¿cuánto falta para Navidad?"

  • "Alexa, cuéntame un microcuento de Navidad"

  • "Alexa, canta tu posada"

  • "Alexa, modo grinch"

  • "Alexa, ¿en dónde está Santa Claus?"

Connect With Your Loved Ones

If you couldn't make it home for Christmas this year or live far from family and friends, Amazon devices can help you bring them straight into your living room. With features like video calling, drop-in Echo devices such as the Echo 15 and more, bring everyone home for the celebration.