Exhibits, galleries, theater and more: Seacoast arts and culture news

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Ibram X Kendi to be keynote presenter at the 16th Annual Black New England Conference

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi

PORTSMOUTH — The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire announced that best-selling author and distinguished scholar Dr. Ibram X. Kendi will be delivering the keynote at the Black New England Conference Awards Dinner, on Friday, Oct. 21 at Southern NH University. Dr Kendi is the founder of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research and author of many bestselling books including How to be an Antiracist, Antiracist Baby, and Stamped. Time magazine named Dr. Kendi one of the most 100 influential people in the world.

This year’s conference, “Where the Money Resides: An Exploration of Racialized Access and Historic Exclusion from Wealth” highlights the legal framework that supported barriers to wealth for non-whites (racial zoning, redlining, school segregation, and government-sanctioned racism). Panel discussions also celebrate the success stories of individuals and institutions that serve as beacons of hope for current generations. BHTNH Executive Director JerriAnne Boggis notes that “In his book Stamped, Dr. Kendi describes how the construct of race has been used to gain and keep power and to create dynamics that separate and silence. This book helps to contextualize present-day inequalities and explains racist ideas of the past have affected present day economic wealth for people of color. We feel that Dr. Kendi’s thoughts on this will be a great addition to the Conference.”

Dr. Reginald Wilburn, Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies at Texas Christian University, will engage Dr. Kendi in conversation about the complex social and legal constructs which impact wealth accumulation for people of color. They also will discuss the meaning and consequences of institutional and systemic racism.

“In its 16th iteration of the Annual Black New England Conference the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire delighted to have as our keynote speaker New York Times Best Selling Author Ibram X. Kendi, ”says Dwight Davis, BHTNH Board President. “To have such a distinguished scholar, educator, historian, and political scientist address our constituency articulates the fact that the Annual Black New England Conference has come of age and is a highly anticipated event in New England”.

For more information on the conference including schedule, conference panels topics, registration, cost, and how to become a conference sponsor please go to https://blackheritagetrailnh.org/black-new-england-conference-2022/, call 603-570-8469, or send an email to info@blackheritagetrailnh.org.

Haley Art Gallery hosts Reflections on Poetry and the Pandemic Bi-Lingual Poetry Reading

Beyond the Time of Words poems by Marjorie Agosín
Beyond the Time of Words poems by Marjorie Agosín

KITTERY, Maine – Haley Art Gallery will host an afternoon of bi-lingual poetry reading–Reflections on Poetry and the Pandemic–with award-winning poet Marjorie Agosin and author, translator, Celest Kostopulos-Cooperman as they recite poems from their newly published book: Beyond the Time of Words /MÁS ALLÁ DEL TIEMPO DE LAS PALABRAS. The reading will be followed with a Q&A session.

The event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10, starting at 1 p.m. at Haley Art Gallery (178 Haley Road in Kittery) and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Marjorie Agosín, the Andrew Mellon Professor in the Humanities, and professor of Spanish at Wellesley College is an award-winning Chilean American poet, author, and human rights activist. Among her many awards are the Jeanette Rankin Award in Human Rights, the United Nations Leadership Award for Human Rights, and the Chilean government Gabriela Mistral Medal for Lifetime Achievement.

Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman is a translator, essayist, and Professor Emerita at Suffolk University, Boston, where she directed the Latin American Studies Program and taught language and literature courses, for three decades. Recipient of the American Literary Translation Award she has collaborated with Marjorie Agosín on several volumes of poetry and prose, including, Circles of Madness, A Cross and a Star, Always from Somewhere Else, At the Threshold of Memory, and Beyond the Time of Words.

Haley Art Gallery’s current exhibit: Bill Oakes: Art – Imagination – Vision is a collection of abstract works by Bill Oakes. The Gallery’s gift shop offers social impact gift items from around the world. The gallery is open Thursdays through Saturdays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Contact Haley Art Gallery at 617-584-2580 or haleygallery@comcast.net. Visit https://haleyartgallery.com/. Follow on Facebook @HaleyArtGallery; Instagram https://instagram.com/haleyartgallery/; Online Shop.

New York City comes to Dover with ‘The Daughter Paintings’

Slow Burn Sun Worship a portrait by Julie Harman Dovan
Slow Burn Sun Worship a portrait by Julie Harman Dovan

DOVER — Contemporary artist Julie Harman Dovan of New York City explores relationships to her daughters through expressive small scale portraits. She uses them as inspiration because she knows time is of the essence, and wants to capture the very moments when they are young and innocent. Painting them gives her a chance to shed light on a rare interlude in the frenzied rush of the mother-daughter relationship. The process also mirrors her own maturation from girlhood into womanhood.

Unconditional Love a portrait by Julie Harman Dovan
Unconditional Love a portrait by Julie Harman Dovan

The exhibition will be held at Aplomb, 15 Mechanic St., Suite 117, in Dover, on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 5 to 8 p.m. Advanced registration is requested. Register at www.eventbrite.com/e/the-daughter-paintings-solo-exhibition-featuring-julie-harman-dovan-tickets-387541195147. Exhibition will also be on view in virtual reality at Aplomb inside ArtGate VR, download at artgatevr.com.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Exhibits, galleries, theater and more: Seacoast arts and culture news