My experience with appendicitis

Since January, my goal with this column has been to educate the public on paradigm-shifting information related to musculoskeletal pain. This past month, however, I was provided the first-hand opportunity to write on a different topic, one that affects a few hundred thousand Americans every year.

Up until about four weeks ago, I counted myself lucky to have been able to avoid major surgery throughout my lifetime. Sometimes you never know what the next day will hold.

Here is my experience.

I woke up on a Saturday morning experiencing what I would describe as very mild, diffusely located, abdominal discomfort. To me, it felt like bloating, so I didn’t really think much of it. Throughout the day I had a minor loss of appetite but otherwise didn’t feel too bad. It didn’t hinder me from doing anything, and I figured I’d go to sleep that night, wake up the next day, and it would be gone.

I found myself tossing and turning that night and couldn’t quite get comfortable. I did manage to get to sleep, but when I awoke on Sunday morning the pain had become much more localized. I now only felt it in the right lower quadrant of my abdomen.

The abdominal quadrants are formed by the intersection of two lines: a vertical line that runs along the midline of the abdomen, and a horizontal line at the level of the umbilicus, or belly button. These lines divide the abdomen into four sections: the right upper quadrant, the left upper quadrant, the right lower quadrant, and the left lower quadrant.

While I specialize in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal pain, I remember enough from school to know that pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant is a red flag for a problem with the appendix. Prior to laparoscopic surgery becoming the gold standard, the classic indicator that someone had their appendix removed was a several-inch scar in their right lower quadrant.

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In addition to changing locations, by Sunday morning the pain had become a bit more intense, and I had nearly completely lost my appetite. I didn’t have nausea or a fever at that point, but I did have tenderness in a very specific part of my abdomen, known as McBurney’s point.

Named after the American surgeon Charles McBurney, McBurney’s point is a specific area of the abdomen one-third of the distance from the right front hip bone (termed the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine) to the umbilicus. Tenderness here signifies acute appendicitis. I learned about McBurney’s point during my education and coincidentally reviewed it a couple months ago with my cousin, as it was part of his sports medicine curriculum at Olympic High School.

Even mild pressure over McBurney’s point elicited significant pain and guarding. I did not have tenderness anywhere else in my abdomen, and at that time I was pretty confident I had appendicitis.

I drove myself to the emergency room at St. Michael’s Medical Center. When I got there, my temperature had elevated to a mild fever and the pain was becoming stronger. I couldn’t walk without limping, and taking a deep breath now created sharp right lower quadrant pain. Blood work revealed an elevated white blood cell count, which indicated I was fighting an infection, and a CT scan of my abdomen showed a significantly dilated appendix with a likely abscess formation.

At that point, it was determined that urgent removal of my appendix was the best course of action. The surgery was done laparoscopically, which is much less invasive than the traditional open operation. Laparoscopic surgery uses several small incisions rather than a single larger one, and the recovery time is much shorter. The surgical and anesthesiology teams did a fantastic job of putting me at ease and explaining the process, and the operation was a success.

I required a drainage tube for one week following the surgery, but other than that my recovery has been fairly uncomplicated. At this point, I am pretty much back to normal.

My symptom progression was pretty typical for acute appendicitis. Generalized abdominal discomfort that migrates to the right lower quadrant, associated with a loss of appetite and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Tenderness over McBurney’s point, which I suggest people look up and become familiar with, is another key indicator.

What I learned from this experience is the importance of promptly seeking care in the presence of right lower quadrant abdominal pain. A ruptured appendix is a major medical emergency, and early intervention is crucial as the condition can progress quickly. The surgical report indicated that my appendix was already perforated and had started to leak at the time of the operation. Twenty-four hours prior to that I felt as if I was a bit bloated. While I knew the signs and symptoms of appendicitis, I still barely made it in on time.

Dr. Jordan Duncan was born and raised in Kitsap County and graduated from the University of Western States in 2011 with a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. He practices at Silverdale Sport and Spine. He is one of a small handful of chiropractors in Washington state to be credentialed in the McKenzie Method.

Dr. Jordan Duncan
Dr. Jordan Duncan

This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: My experience with appendicitis