Extend-a-Hand helped woman, granddaughter escape a dangerous environment

The Bellingham Herald’s Extend-a-Hand charity appeal, now in its fifth decade, partners with Unity Care NW and the Opportunity Council to help families like these:

As the biting cold descended in January 2023, Jenny and her teenage granddaughter Madison fled their housing when they feared for their safety from domestic violence. Lacking shelter, the pair resorted to sleeping in the grandmother’s car.

A reprieve came thanks to Extend-a-Hand. Opportunity Council was able to find them safe shelter in a local hotel and support Jenny and Madison in the next steps of their journey. From the security of the hotel, Madison studied hard and kept up with her schoolwork thanks to the reliable WiFi connection, while Jenny worked to find a permanent place to call home.

Opportunity Council Employment Services helped her gain the skills she needed to be able to provide for both Madison and herself. During their hotel stay, Madison and Jenny were able to get the mental health counseling they needed to overcome the trauma of the abuse they endured. With a little help from the Opportunity Council’s deposit assistance program, they found a new apartment to rent and will continue to work with case management to make sure they have what they need to never fall through the cracks again.

A 48-year-old man was struggling to recover from impacts of alcohol use. Although now sober and making genuine efforts to make healthier choices, he suffered from advanced cirrhosis that was influencing delirium that only a $2,000/month medication could remedy.

After working with our pharmacy, and thanks to funds from Extend‐A‐Hand, he received his $2,000 medication for $30. The patient called in tears, expressing gratitude to everyone involved for taking the time to recognize him and offer him hope where he stated he had none.

How to help

We hope you’ll consider also giving to Extend-a-Hand to help local organizations make big differences in small ways for Whatcom County residents who need immediate help with housing and health care all year long.

The Herald covers administrative costs up to $50,000 in donations, so gifts directly support people assisted at Unity Care NW and the Opportunity Council. Donations are tax-deductible, and donors through Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2024, will be recognized in The Herald.

▪ You can mail donation checks to Extend-a-Hand, c/o Opportunity Council, P.O. Box 2134, Bellingham, WA 98227.

▪ Donations are also accepted online via credit card or PayPal or by credit card at www.oppco.org/extend-a-hand, or by calling Katie Rose at 360-734-5121, ext. 1332.

The following donors have contributed a total of $10,724 through Dec. 6 of this year’s campaign:

Barbara Campbell; Bill and Kathy Denney; Christina J. and Bradley K. Lyons; Cynthia Zaferatos; David and Peggy Kehe; Don and Karen Berry; Edd and Virginia Perry; Joan Hawley; Julie Janyk; Linda A Cundiff; Lisa Weissler; Maple Leaf Chapter, Order of Eastern Star; Rick and Barbara Osen; Roger and Janie Carter; Sandi Browning; Sons Of Norway Wergeland Lodge #21; Susan Donnelly; Terry and Joeen Daughters; Thomas and Carol R. Derleth; Tim and Mary Irvin; Varya Grace Fish; Anne Kohler; Barbara Campbell; Barry Lee and Patti Thomas; Bill and Kathy Denney; Christina J. and Bradley K. Lyons; Cynthia Zaferatos; David and Peggy Kehe; Edd and Virginia Perry; Esther Harris In Memory Of George Hunsby; George Mustoe; Ginger Hawley; Jane Houser; Janet and David Stutsman; Joan Hawley; Julie Janyk; Laura Creekman; Linda A Cundiff; Linda Conroy; Lisa Weissler; Maple Leaf Chapter, Order of Eastern Star; Marion Alexander and David Netboy; Mark and Joan Hottinger; Marlene Edmundson; Peggy and Jerry Hastings; Q and Judith Gates; Ray and Joanna Shields; Rick and Barbara Osen; Roger and Janie Carter; Sandi Browning; Sons Of Norway Wergeland Lodge #21; Susan Donnelly; Terry and Joeen Daughters; The Shirley Family; Thomas and Carol R. Derleth; Tim and Mary Irvin; Tom and Colleen Jerns.