Fact check: MSG doesn't cause neurological disorders, is safe overall for human consumption

The claim: MSG is a deadly brain toxin, causes neurological disorders and other health problems

While the COVID-19 pandemic may have forced many Americans across the nation indoors, it also has encouraged them to expand their palates with adventurous spices, natural ingredients, meal kits and home cooking, food industry experts say.

But one ingredient to watch out for, claims one social media post, is MSG, or monosodium glutamate.

"Deadly Brain Toxin," reads a graphic shared in a Jan. 26, 2019, Facebook post has recently gotten attention online. "MSG causes serious neurological disorders and other physiological health problems."

It then lists a litany of other health problems such as headache, infantile obesity, numbness, heart palpitations and weakness.

To emphasize its claim, the post includes an image of Ac'cent seasoning – the main ingredient of which is MSG – edited to add the skull and crossbones hazard symbol.

USA TODAY has reached out to the poster for comment.

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MSG is a common flavor enhancer and preservative that has been in global use for the past 100 years. Its unsavory reputation has been largely based on flawed scientific studies in animals and humans, which have been debunked by more recent research.

What is MSG?

First discovered by Japanese biochemist Kikunae Ikeda, MSG is made up of sodium and glutamate, one of the most abundant amino acids found within the human body and nature. Glutamate plays a crucial role in neuromuscular development, metabolism and many other vital biological functions.

MSG by itself doesn't have much flavor, but when it's added into certain foods, it stimulates and heightens taste buds on our tongues that sense umami, a Japanese portmanteau meaning a pleasant, savory taste.

When Ikeda first happened on MSG in 1907, he had distilled it from a glutamate-rich seaweed broth used extensively in Japanese cuisine. Today, MSG is made by fermenting starch, corn, wheat, beets or other sugar-rich foods with bacteria that eat the sugar and spit out proteins abundant in glutamic acid, an alternative form of glutamate. (Foods like yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut also are made via fermentation.)

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Humans have been eating glutamate-rich foods, like tomatoes and cheese, for centuries. MSG has long been associated with Chinese cooking, but it's also used to flavor Caribbean and Latin American sauces, Doritos, sandwiches at Chick-fil-A, low sodium products and many other processed foods, Dr. Stephen Prescott, president of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, wrote in The Oklahoman.

Flawed studies, no real scientific evidence

Health concerns over MSG arose in 1968 after a Chinese-American doctor wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine wondering if the flavor enhancer was the cause for his heart palpitations, numbness and weakness felt whenever eating at a Chinese restaurant.

The letter, published under the title "Chinese-Restuarant Syndrome," spawned a flurry of animal and human studies in which subjects were given MSG either through an injection or orally. One 1969 study by Washington University researcher Dr. John Olney found injecting significantly large doses under the skin of newborn mice led to impaired brain development, stunted growth, obesity and infertility in female mice. Olney repeated the same experiment, this time giving MSG orally to rhesus monkeys, and came to a similar finding.

But later, in 19 other monkey studies by other researchers, no one observed results anything like Olney's.

In one human study where 71 healthy people were given either MSG or a placebo, both groups complained of symptoms like headaches or numbness roughly at the same rate, even when participants were swapped to the other option.

In following years, many organizations, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization and the American Medical Association, all declared MSG safe to eat.

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In 1992, the FDA launched a formal review of MSG's supposed ill effects, and in 1995 it concluded it was safe overall, although it may cause mild, short-term reactions like headaches, numbness and palpitations in a tiny part of the population. The report noted that the symptoms tended to occur in people who ate more than 3 grams of MSG without food. The typical serving of food with MSG added is less than 0.5 grams. Consuming six times that amount without food at one time is unlikely, the FDA said on its MSG question-and-answer website.

A 2009 study found dietary glutamate does not cross the blood-brain barrier – a system of blood vessels that regulates what goes in and out of the brain and spinal cord – in large amounts and so is unlikely to affect brain function.

A 2020 review of studies involving MSG also found many of its reported negative health effects "have little relevance for chronic human exposure and are poorly informative as they are based on excessive dosing that does not meet with levels normally consumed in food products."

The impact of MSG on weight has been less clear-cut. Some studies have suggested it can cause weight gain, but others show there is no connection between the two.

Our rating: False

We rate the claim that MSG is a deadly brain toxin that causes neurological disorders and other health problems FALSE, based on our research. MSG is a naturally occurring food substance that has been used for more than 100 years. Claims that it can be dangerous to human health are based on flawed scientific studies that have been debunked by more recent research. A small population of people may be sensitive to MSG, but the effects are short-term and not life-threatening.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Fact check: MSG is safe to eat, doesn't cause neurological disorders