Fact check: Viral post on presidential vacations and their costs is fake

Claim: Trump sent the Obamas a bill for their vacations.

Everyone could use a vacation right about now. But one viral post on social media claims that the Obama family won’t be taking one any time soon, thanks to President Donald Trump.

The Facebook post proclaims that the “OBAMA VACATION SCAM IS OVER,” after Trump allegedly sent former President Barack Obama a bill for all the vacations he's taken since leaving office and stopped Obama from taking “taxpayer-paid vacations” that Obama supposedly planned for himself for the next 20 years.

The post alleges Obama planned to use $2.1 billion in taxpayer funds, taken from the “Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations,” to provide himself and up to 24 family guests — including a dog sitter — with “free vacations” until 2036.

Trump — who is “always looking for ways to save money,” according to the post — reportedly discovered Obama’s alleged plans and canceled them all. Then, he supposedly sent the Obamas a $214 million bill for vacations that weren’t official state business. The post further claims Obama spent 692 days of his eight years in office on vacation.

The post’s creator did not respond to USA TODAY’s request for comment and clarification.

More: Where can Americans vacation internationally right now?

None of that happened

There’s absolutely no truth to the Facebook post.

Most claims it makes originated from a satire article published in 2017 by “The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense.” The site is known for creating and perpetuating fake news.

“The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist,” the website’s disclaimer reads. “All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney.”

Some aspects of the Facebook post, like the detail about Trump’s money-saving habits or the introduction of the completely fake “Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations,” are copied word for word from the satire post.

The post does not credit the satire site.

Barack and Michelle Obama, with their daughters, Sasha, far left, and Malia, prepare to board Air Force One in Bourne, Mass., on Aug. 21, 2016, after vacationing on Martha's Vineyard.
Barack and Michelle Obama, with their daughters, Sasha, far left, and Malia, prepare to board Air Force One in Bourne, Mass., on Aug. 21, 2016, after vacationing on Martha's Vineyard.

Right-leaning government watchdog Judicial Watch determined the Obama family spent about $114.7 million on travel, for both vacation and campaigning purposes, as of Nov. 27, 2017. Roughly $1.9 million of that figure took place after he left office on Jan. 20, 2017.

For security reasons, the president, vice president and first lady use military aircraft when they travel, according to a Congressional Research Service report. When a trip is for official government business, the government pays all costs. When it’s for political or unofficial purposes — like vacation — travelers pay for their own food and lodging and reimburse the government for the price they would’ve paid to fly commercially, the report says.

Presidential vacations are common

Unofficial presidential travel is common, but Obama’s vacation time was on the low end of the spectrum.

A 2017 story on Cleveland.com digs into presidential vacation time.

Obama took 29 vacation trips, totaling 235 total days, and 39 trips to Camp David, totaling 93 days, according to former CBS News’ White House reporter Mark Knoller, who has tallied vacation statistics on the presidents he’s covered. He includes vacations plus "weekend days that presidents are away from Washington," the story states.

So Obama took 328 vacation days over eight years.

Citing Knoller's data, the Cleveland.com story says:

  • George W. Bush took over three times that number, totaling 1,020 vacation days throughout his eight years in office;

  • Bill Clinton took 345 days off in eight years;

  • George H.W. Bush took off 543 days in four years.

As of Dec. 30, 2019, Trump had spent nearly one third of the days he’d been president at a Trump-branded property, according to a Washington Post analysis. That’s 331 visits as of that date, excluding visits to non-Trump-branded locations.

In this Saturday, July 14, 2018, file photo, U.S. President Donald Trump walks off the 4th green while playing at Turnberry golf club, in Turnberry, Scotland. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison, File)
In this Saturday, July 14, 2018, file photo, U.S. President Donald Trump walks off the 4th green while playing at Turnberry golf club, in Turnberry, Scotland. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison, File)

Our rating: False

We rate the claim that Trump brought an alleged vacation scam by the Obamas as FALSE because it was not supported by our research. The claim originated from a satire website and the figures used in the post to describe Obama’s vacation days do not reflect reality.

Our fact check sources:

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Fact check: Viral post on presidential vacations is fake