Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Sept 1) - Texas, Louisiana, stocks

The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over...and so much more. A rigged system! [0756 EDT] - General John Kelly is doing a great job as Chief of Staff. I could not be happier or more impressed - and this Administration continues to.. [0835 EDT] - ...get things done at a record clip. Many big decisions to be made over the coming days and weeks. AMERICA FIRST! [0847 EDT] - Texas is healing fast thanks to all of the great men & women who have been working so hard. But still so much to do. Will be back tomorrow! [0858 EDT] - 'President Donald J. Trump Proclaims September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer' #HurricaneHarvey #PrayForTexas (link: http://45.wh.gov/PrayForTexas) 45.wh.gov/PrayForTexas [1547 EDT] - Stock Market up 5 months in a row! [1947 EDT] - I will be going to Texas and Louisiana tomorrow with First Lady. Great progress being made! Spending weekend working at White House.[2003 EDT] - On behalf of @FLOTUS Melania & myself, THANK YOU for today's update & GREAT WORK! #SouthernBaptist @SendRelief, @RedCross & @SalvationArmyUS http://bit.ly/2wZvajV [2034 EDT] -- Source link: (http://bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (http://bit.ly/2jpEXYR) (Compiled by Bengaluru bureau)