‘Faint calls for help’ lead hikers to injured man near Colorado cliffs, sheriff says

An injured man was rescued after a group of hikers heard his “faint calls for help,” a Colorado sheriff’s office said.

After calling 911 for help, the hikers made their way to the 71-year-old near Cadillac Crag in Eldorado Canyon State Park on Wednesday, May 3, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office said in a May 4 news release.

The hikers found the man, “who had a lower leg injury,” the sheriff’s office said.

Shortly after, deputies said rescuers arrived and got the man ready to be carried to the park’s visitors center.

The man was then taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital, the sheriff’s office said.

“The rescue took approximately four hours,” deputies said.

Eldorado Canyon State Park is about 10 miles southwest of Boulder.

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