Faith | When we ‘ride’ through life, we may need a boost

Even as we endeavor to peddle on the paths, roads, highways, and by-ways of life, using the bicycles, tricycles, unicycles, and even quad-cycles which are available, there are times where we need a little assistance or boost.

Early on, that boost may come in the form of an adult who walks or jogs alongside, aiding our mastery of the symbiotic arts and skills of propelling and balancing, plus coaching on the requisite stopping when needed. Later, we may progress through an increasing number of gears which enable us to climb ever-steeper inclines and travel at ever-increasing speeds. Witness the annual Tour de France and countless other races on countless terrains.

And, as this autobiographical essay reveals, there may come a season for another type of boost: an electric motor that smoothly engages and disengages, as directed by the operator, to supplement—or briefly supplant, at times—the on-going efforts applied to the pedals.

Yes, I’m talking about “e-bikes.”

No, I’m not being paid to advertise for one model or another. That said, consider e-bikes as an apt and useful metaphor for what helps us cycle through life’s ups and downs, its curves and stretches.

As with most metaphors, there are limits to its usefulness. That said, ride along with me for a moment, if you please.

Of course, the purpose of riding a bike is to push the pedals and steer the wheel toward a desired goal or destination. It takes energy, our energy, to accomplish the feat. Much of the time our effort alone is enough for the task. And yet, perhaps there are times when it is not, and we need a boost.

Some may say that such help is not needed, that self-sufficiency is the point: I-can-do-it-my-SELF!

Others, me included these days, may come to realize that there are occasions when self-sufficiency is not realizable or desirable. There are indeed times we need a boost.

Applying this metaphor elsewhere, we likely need boosts in many areas of daily living as well as in our life-trajectory.

We may need a boost to get started, to stay the course, to surmount challenges, and negotiate difficulties. We may need a boost to our ideas or goals, our spirits or motivation—it’s not just a physical or mechanical journey.

And who’s to say there aren’t built-in boosters in each of our lives? Who’s to say that we, in fact, are not doing this alone or don’t have to do it alone?

Isn’t that the point of the legendary poem, “Footprints in the Sand”? Remember the ending that says, “when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”?

We thought we were alone, left solely to our own devices and energies to make it through, when in reality (and perhaps to our utter surprise) there is available and willing a Divine Boost in and for each of us. Said by our Creator and Sustainer: “I will be with you always.”

So, onward! We can make it.

Tim Ledbetter
Tim Ledbetter

Timothy J. Ledbetter, DMin, BCC is a retired American Baptist-endorsed professional chaplain and member of Shalom United Church of Christ in Richland. Questions and comments should be directed to editor Lucy Luginbill in care of the Tri-City Herald newsroom, 4253 W. 24th Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99338. Or email