Falkville man facing assault charge

Oct. 15—A Falkville man, who is accused of hitting his wife in the head with a baseball bat and his fists, is facing a second-degree assault charge, according to the Morgan County Sheriff's Office.

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The sheriff's office reported that on Oct. 2, David Elliot Simmons, 54, was arrested after his wife reported being assaulted.

Morgan deputies responded to a domestic violence call at the residence in the 500 block of Jewel Lasselle Road and talked with the victim. They said the offender had left the scene in a vehicle and was located in the area and detained.

While at the scene, deputies found a baseball bat that had long brown hair on it, consistent with the victim's air. The victim sustained a small laceration on the top of her head and several contusions to the top of her head.

Simmons was taken to the Morgan County Jail with bail set at $5,000. He bonded out on Oct. 7, according to court records.

mike.wetzel@decaturdaily.com or 256-340-2442. Twitter @DD_Wetzel.