When is fall? When is the autumnal equinox? When is daylight saving time?

The changing of the seasons is approaching and Floridians are eying the calendar a little nervously. Will it ever stop being hot?

Eventually, yes, but don't expect the calendar to have a lot of influence over the thermometer for a while yet. Fall can be difficult to detect in a state that has flipflop weather most of the year.

So when is fall? When is the autumnal equinox? What is the autumnal equinox? Grab a pumpkin latte, here we go.

When is the first day of fall?

That depends on who you ask. Astronomical fall (the autumnal equinox) happens at 2:50 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 23. The meteorological start of fall was Sept. 1.

What's the difference between meteorological and astronomical seasons?

NOAA comparison of the differences between astronomical and meteorological seasons.
NOAA comparison of the differences between astronomical and meteorological seasons.

Because the Earth is tilted on its axis, it gets different amounts of sunlight in different places throughout the year as it orbits the sun. The astronomical calendar follows the position of the sun relative to the Earth and marks off seasons based on when the sun passes directly over the equator (the spring and autumn equinoxes) and when the sun's path is the farthest north or south from the equator (the summer and winter solstices), according to NOAA.

But meteorologists noticed those dates don't always line up with what we think of the seasons, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information, so the meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle and the Gregorian calendar to make seasonal comparisons year to year more consistent. The meteorological calendar is mostly used by meteorologists and for agricultural statistics.

"We generally think of winter as the coldest time of the year and summer as the warmest time of the year, with spring and fall being the transition seasons," the Center says on its site, "and that is what the meteorological seasons are based on."

When is the autumnal equinox?

Astronomical fall (the autumnal equinox) happens at 2:50 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 23, according to the Farmer's Almanac.

When is meteorological fall 2023?

That happened on Sept. 1. Did you notice? Meteorologically speaking, fall lasts from September through November.

When will it feel like fall in Florida?

Seasonal temperature outlook for September, October and November 2023 from the National Weather Service.
Seasonal temperature outlook for September, October and November 2023 from the National Weather Service.

Don't expect sweater weather for a few months yet. The Farmers Almanac is predicting average local temperatures in Florida this fall, with temps in the 80s for the rest of September, some numbers in the 70s in October and a frosty winter, but the National Weather Service expects at least a 40-50% chance of warmer-than-usual temperatures across the U.S through November and AccuWeather predicting "summerlike weather" until late in the fall season.

On average, the first feel of cooler, drier air usually hits the Sunshine State around mid-October, with cool blasts reserved for November, the National Weather Service says. But as we're coming off the hottest June-August on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service that might be delayed.

When is fall? Pumpkin spice, Daylight Saving Time and 80-degree temps: 10 ways to tell it's fall in Florida

When is daylight saving time?

Daylight saving time for 2023 began at 2 a.m. EST Sunday, March 12, and will end 2 a.m. EST Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023.

When daylight saving time ends we turn our clocks back an hour, "gaining" an extra hour. "Spring forward, fall back," as the saying goes.

This article originally appeared on The Daytona Beach News-Journal: Fall in Florida: When does the cooler weather start in 2023?