'False promises': Migrants exploited as they scramble to escape squalor, Border Patrol

On a Downtown El Paso street corner near Sacred Heart Church, a migrant smiled as if he had just found a golden ticket.

He opened a yellow folder and showed off a white document he hoped would help him escape the squalor of living on the streets and help him get past Border Patrol agents at checkpoints outside the city limits.

What he was holding, however, was a document of false hope — what authorities say is a useless receipt showing he had filed for asylum online. Migrants report paying anywhere from $200 to $30 to get the I-797C Action of Notice forms.

As 32 migrants learned on May 4, the document doesn't grant legal them status if they crossed illegally, without presenting to border agents. Border Patrol agents detained those migrants on a commercial bus at a checkpoint on Interstate 25 near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Misinformation about the documents is spreading throughout migrant camps as they attempt to leave El Paso and head farther into the U.S., authorities said.

U.S. Border Patrol detained 32 migrants May 4, on a commercial bus carrying documents they falsely believed allowed them to move farther into the U.S.
U.S. Border Patrol detained 32 migrants May 4, on a commercial bus carrying documents they falsely believed allowed them to move farther into the U.S.

Migrants on the bus were carrying an I-797C Action of Notice form.

"The I-797C Notice of Action Form is the receipt for the I-589 application," said Border Patrol El Paso Sector spokesman Richard Barragan. "The I-797C Form does not grant any immigration status or benefit, which includes traveling through a U.S. Border Patrol immigration checkpoint."

Barragan said Border Patrol isn't tracking the number of migrants who travel through its checkpoints with this documentation.

In the case of the 32 migrants apprehended, no information was released on who helped the migrants get the forms. However, smuggling tactics of transnational criminal organizations includes providing misinformation to the migrants and fraudulent documents, officials said.

"Smuggling organizations lie to migrants claiming a safe passage implying that the United States borders are open when they are not for illegal entry," U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector Chief Anthony Scott Good said in a statement. "We are focusing our efforts on applying consequences to those who enter the country illegally between the port of entry and we will also pursue criminal prosecution of individuals who provide fraudulent documents to migrants as part of an illegal smuggling scheme."

More: El Paso officials prepare for May 11 end of Title 42 pandemic restrictions on migrants

The migrants, which included people from Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia, were taken to a Central Processing Center for further processing.

"These organizations exploit the migrants' lack of understanding of our laws and make false promises of a safe and easy journey into the United States," the Border Patrol warned.

'Asylum is not easily granted' as Title 42 nears end at border

Smugglers use the complex U.S. immigration system to make a profit off of the migrants, officials said.

Smugglers prey on the migrant's lack of understanding of immigration and asylum laws to make the migrants believe they will be able to stay in the U.S. once they cross the border, officials said.

Felipe Millan, a longtime El Paso immigration lawyer, said just applying for immigration benefits or claiming asylum is not enough to stay in the U.S.

"Immigration law is very complicated," Millan said. "Every case is different. Did they cross illegally or did they turn themselves over? What we are mainly seeing is that they crossed over illegally. In this case, the first thing they should try to do is figure out a way to apply for asylum, if they qualify for asylum. But asylum is very difficult to come by. Asylum is not easily granted."

Migrants stay in front and across the street of Sacred Heart Church in Downtown El Paso on Saturday, April 29, 2023, after crossing to the U.S.
Migrants stay in front and across the street of Sacred Heart Church in Downtown El Paso on Saturday, April 29, 2023, after crossing to the U.S.

The process to petition for asylum and be granted asylum takes months, oftentimes years, Millan said.

"People believe that if you fill out immigration and asylum forms, it means you can stay or move farther north into the U.S.," Millan said. "This isn't true. When you file for immigration benefits or petition for asylum, the first thing you get is a receipt saying 'thanks for filing.' That's it, and then they (federal officials) will schedule an appointment."

The chances of migrants' petitions for asylum being granted are low, Millan said.

"The problem is that most people don't have an idea of how difficult it is to get asylum," Millan said. "The immigration court is severely backed up. All the immigration courts in the country are severely backed up. The backlog is in the millions.

"For you to get a work permit, it can take six months after you file your asylum petition, which has to be based on persecution based on race, ethnic origin, membership in a particular social group, political opinion — those are some of the things you claim in you petition for asylum."

Poverty and fleeing gang violence are not necessarily grounds for asylum, said Millan, who has practiced immigration law in the U.S. for nearly three decades.

More: Abbott sending 'quick-response teams' to border, wants federal action as Title 42 nears end

Need for 'common sense solution'

The number of migrants flowing in the El Paso area has continued to increase as the end of Title 42 approaches on May 11.

There were an estimated 1,800 migrants in El Paso as of May 4, city of El Paso officials said. More than 600 migrants were sleeping on the sidewalks near Sacred Heart Church, while 700 more were reported the night of May 2 sleeping on the sidewalks and alleys near the El Paso Opportunity Center for the Homeless.

The I-797C Notice of Action document may not be sufficient to travel outside of El Paso, but it does grant a migrant an "A" number, documenting they are known to the federal government and opening the door to area shelters.

Migrants ask El Paso Police about documents they received after crossing to the U.S. outside Sacred Heart Church in Downtown El Paso on Friday, April 28, 2023.
Migrants ask El Paso Police about documents they received after crossing to the U.S. outside Sacred Heart Church in Downtown El Paso on Friday, April 28, 2023.

El Paso nonprofit and faith-based organization leaders say they can only be reimbursed through FEMA if they can prove they are serving migrants with "A" numbers.

Mass migration is "changing our community," Millan said.

"Driving around El Paso you can see it already. El Paso's going to change and so is the rest of the country," he said. "This influx of Venezuelans, of Haitians, of Cubans, of Nicaraguans, is going to continue. Action needs to be taken by political leaders.

"The (CBP) guys at the bridge, what can they do? They just enforce the laws. The Border Patrol, I feel bad for them. They're overworked. They're overworked and understaffed. Well, what can they do? They just enforce the laws that Congress gave them. That's what they do. The directives of their superiors. This isn't their fault. We need to find a practical, common sense solution that deals with this, or this is not going to end."

Aaron Martinez may be reached at amartinez1@elpasotimes.com or on Twitter @AMartinezEPT.

This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: Migrants exploited as they scramble to escape squalor, Border Patrol