All in the family: Anderson's one of city's oldest businesses

On May 6, 1937 Germany’s airship Hindenburg, the world’s largest zeppelin, erupted in flames near a landing moor in New Jersey. Two months later famed pilot Amelia Earhart’s attempt to circumnavigate the globe ended when her plane went down in the vast Pacific in what remains an enduring mystery.

Within that same time, Anderson Radiator Shop Inc., was born quietly at a modest location on 11th street in Wichita Falls. However, even without fanfare, it exists in its original location today, unpretentious and bound in distinction.

With 85 years of customer service under its belt, Anderson Radiator Shop is arguably the oldest family-owned business still active in our city. In a craft giving way to plastic technology, Anderson Radiator and its sister family-owned shop, Supreme Radiator, still have a corner on the area market.

Sonny Anderson, owner, right, with grandson Blane Maxwell now sharing duties at Anderson Radiator.
Sonny Anderson, owner, right, with grandson Blane Maxwell now sharing duties at Anderson Radiator.

Both locations service tractors, combines and other farm implements in addition to commercial trucks and vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Its expertise extends between Oklahoma City and DFW.

Success is no accident

In 1937 there was no “how to” build business schools like the one today at MSU-Texas. Businesses succeeded and failed by trial, error and good or poor fortune. Chester Anderson who started the shop in the shadow of downtown endorsed a simple mindset.

The Anderson family, then and now, subscribes to the long held notion that success is no accident. It comes through hard work, perseverance, study, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.

There has never been a “help wanted” sign in its front window. The family simply does what comes naturally. Treat folks right and hold friends close.

Family business

Owner Sonny Anderson easily recalls friends and events that have come, gone and remain. Anderson and Supreme have long been gathering spots for coffee with friends in the winter and a cold beer at the end of a summer day.

Sonny and the vintage surrounds blend comfortably. With grandson, Blane Maxwell working at his side, it’s obvious that age is irrelevant in its atmosphere.

Sonny, now in his 80s, said that the good times and tough times are easy to recall. Overall, the business is ground in the mindset of hard work and delivering on time.

Learn something every day

Since there are not many books on the subject, Blane was asked how he developed his training in building and repairing radiators.

He nodded toward Sonny, “From him.”

Because radiators come in all ages, shapes and sizes this time-honored business remains an art form. And like most crafts, it requires a deep learning curve.

Blane said, “I’ve been at it awhile and I learn something new every day . . . from him, and I’ll learn something new tomorrow.”

Old West author Elbert Hubbard once said, “The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.”

Any business worth its salt should engrave Hubbard’s quote on its front door. And if you need a new friend, stop by Anderson Radiator Shop; introduce yourself and have and cup of  Joe.

Anderson Radiator Shop is located at 605 11th St, Wichita Falls. There phone number is (940) 767-0431.

Ted Buss is a former business and sports editor at the Times Record News.

This article originally appeared on Wichita Falls Times Record News: Anderson's one of city's oldest businesses