Family battling hard times after COVID thankful for Goodfellow Fund

August was a tough month for Laura and her family. Not only did she get COVID-19, but so did her husband and son.

Suffice to say, life suddenly got a lot more difficult. Like so many who have battled the virus, simply getting through each day became its own challenge — multiplied by three in their household.

They’re still battling to get through, and could use some help.

”We continue to have difficult weeks with the aftermath of COVID,” she said. “I still cannot breathe normally, I suffer from anxiety after COVID.

“But I’m grateful to God for the opportunity he gave me to be here today telling my story and bearing witness that God got me out of that bed.”

Along with the physical challenges came financial ones. And that is where the Goodfellow Fund comes in. The Star-Telegram charity has been helping families like Laura’s during the holidays for more than a century.

This season they are donating $50 gift cards to help purchase clothing and shoes for children from families in need.

”I thank the people who make this happen and help those of us who are going through difficult times,” Laura said.

Be a Goodfellow

Since 1912, the Star-Telegram’s Goodfellow Fund has provided help and assistance for Tarrant County schoolchildren. This season they have a goal of assisting 12,000 youths. Join this tradition by sending a contribution to Goodfellows, Box 1870, Fort Worth, TX 76101, or visit to make a secure credit card donation.