Family will take you through the holidays and beyond | Norment

“In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.” – Alex Haley

“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” – Mother Teresa

“Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.” – J.K. Rowling

“The family is the first essential cell of human society.” – Pope John XXIII

“I sustain myself with the love of family.” – Maya Angelou

During the holidays, family relationships can be more important than ever. They often take the spotlight and can set the tone for festive celebrations and other gatherings as well.

For Thanksgiving, millions of Americans united with family members to enjoy tasty, sometimes lavish, meals and give thanks for their collective blessings. As I scrolled through Facebook after Thanksgiving, there was an abundance of posts of beautifully set tables, delicious foods and group shots of happy faces. I saw numerous memes expressing “Nothing Like Family” and “Love My Family.”

It was heartwarming.

As we approach Christmas, more gatherings will take place, and such family blessings will continue through New Year’s Day.

Here are the benefits of family

This display of family love should be expressed beyond the holidays. Family is important; it is the foundation of our lives.

The significance of family can’t be overemphasized. These bonds are crucial to our lives and well-being because they provide support and security along with unconditional love. In an essay on the Hanley Foundation website the writer says that family is integral to directing individuals to moral decisions when it comes to outside influences, including alcohol, drugs, bullying, and peer pressure.

“Your family might not be able to shield you from everything,” according to the website, “but they will be able to assist you through the hard times and give you the tools you need to diffuse or avoid the situation.” (The Hanley Foundation provides substance abuse prevention and education programs for parents and school-age children.)

Other research shows that the benefits of family extend widely and deeply. Families set the stage for youngsters’ future relationships. Some people even choose their life partners and close friends based on how similar they are to family members. The dynamics of one’s family reinforce beliefs about relationships and self.

In addition, families can be an essential source of affection and encouragement. With family support, individuals find nerve and inspiration to strive and succeed. Families also nourish a sense of belonging to something greater than oneself. And people reared in close-knit families develop healthier relationships with others.

Shared meals can lift grades and create good habits

It is not surprising that better academic performance is connected to family quality time. One study showed that children who eat dinner with their family five to seven time a week did much better in school than those who shared dinner with family less than three times a week. I recall that my family often ate dinner together. It was across the dinner table that my father would ask about school, friends and activities. That’s when he’d talk about what was in the news and challenge our handle on common sense and what we then called “book sense.”

Sharing meals and other quality time is when we learned important life lessons, such as how to interact and communicate with other people. We learned values and morals, what was right, what was wrong, what was inappropriate and the importance of choosing a productive path in life despite our humble beginnings.

Over the years, we had many extended family gatherings that were joyous, loving and peaceful. And like other large families, we had our share of get-togethers that were not entirely harmonious. Sometimes family members can harbor jealousy and resentment that can turn gatherings into cantankerous events. Too often grudges from past years, even decades, resurface even though the real cause of the bitterness has faded.

When family members don't get along

Unfortunately, such hard feelings can ruin familial harmony.

In my family, three elderly sisters – my dear aunts – bickered until the end. From her teen years, one sister felt that a particular sibling treated her as through she was inferior. Another was resentful that a sister “stole” some items 40 years earlier. The other let hurt feelings from what she considered “meanness” and “insanity” simmer into a slow lava flow. When these three, or even two of them, got together, we never knew what would erupt.

Two of them were favorite aunties, and my trying to broker a peaceful resolution to ancient, injured feelings was fruitless. It bothered me that these women I loved dearly harbored such deep-seated hurt while they smiled and put on a passable facade when together during the holidays.

On the other hand, there were some younger members of the family who made no effort to put on a faux-pleasant front. They didn’t like each other, and everyone knew it.

Lynn Norment
Lynn Norment

I just accepted it as “family.” My family. I tried to get along with everyone when we came together, for I knew our time together would not be long. You love them, maybe dislike some, but you realize that you don’t chose who your family members are. You are born into it and it’s up to you to make the best of it.

That’s why I’ve chosen to view my extended family as a retreat of love rather than a den of resentment and jealousy.

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu

We all need to value and love our families and the relationships that sprout within. Holidays should be a time for peacemaking and peacekeeping, not a time for picking at old wounds. Does it really matter that your uncle insulted your father 30 years ago? Or that your cousin once dated your former boyfriend? Let it go and move on.

Family should hold a special place in our hearts and in our lives. Let’s use the holiday gatherings to close the gap and revitalize important relationships. There’s nothing like family. Let’s treasure the moments we spend with them.

Lynn Norment, a columnist for The Commercial Appeal, is a former editor for Ebony Magazine.

This article originally appeared on Memphis Commercial Appeal: Family will take you through the holidays and beyond