Miami reality star in coronavirus lockdown: I can’t wait to go back out to the bars

Not an auspicious start for “Family Karma.”

Shortly after the March 8 premiere of the Bravo reality show, about a close knit group of Indian Americans living in Miami, life as we all know it changed.

One of the stars, Vishal Parvani, reported in early April on Instagram that he tested positive for coronavirus.

The real estate professional, who is described in his Bravo bio as “the life of the party,” believes that he tested positive due to being exposed to someone with COVID-19 and having a compromised immune system.

On video posted Friday to The New York Post, Parvani said he’s been getting by with a little help from his friends, virtually. And his fiancee Richa Sadana.

“Thank God for video chats,” said the fitness buff. “I’m on it like 24 hours a day.”

He did, however, find a weird silver lining for the whole situation: His tolerance level for alcohol and sugary beverages in general is lower.

During the last virtual Zoom happy hour the 32 year old said because he hadn’t been drinking, he got hung over from drinking one can of Coca Cola.

“One good thing that my tolerance level has become very low,” he said. “So I’ll be a very cheap date when i got out. That’s probably the first thing I’m going to do when I get out of quarantine is go to the bars and have a drink. With people. And hopefully not get hungover from glass of Coca Cola. I’ll be a cheap date.”