Fans Think Mr. Honey Is the New ‘Riverdale’ Villain, and TBH, It Checks Out

Photo credit: CW
Photo credit: CW

From Cosmopolitan

After an emotional Riverdale season premiere, the second episode gave everyone what they watch the show for: drama. Bonus, it might have introduced the season’s new villain. I’ll give you a hint: He’s the new principal. How juicy!

Mr. Honey, played by Kerr Smith, is the tough new force that has already proven he’s going to be some trouble for the Core Four. After Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead overslept on the first day of class, Mr. Honey introduced himself by saying things were going to be different in school.

“We’ll have order…discipline…consequences,” he told the gang.

LOL, as if there has ever been order, discipline, or consequences in Riverdale. But to prove it, Mr. Honey canceled a school dance Cheryl planned. Cheryl was obviously not happy, so she planned a party at Thistlehouse.

“Students of Riverdale, we have a new enemy in our midst,” Cheryl toasted at the party. “This killjoy is our new principal, Mr. Honey. However, never fear. I, as your student body president, will make sure he’s beheaded by homecoming, or my name isn’t Cheryl Marjorie Blossom.”

While that *was* pretty harsh, Mr. Honey is admittedly pretty creepy. And to make matters worse, Mr. Honey called the cops to stop Cheryl’s party. Does he not know who he’s messing with?

Photo credit: CW
Photo credit: CW

So in matters of revenge, which is Cheryl’s signature, she put a beehive in Mr. Honey’s office. It’s officially on, and fans are freaking out.

It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for the show to have a creepy (and possibly evil) principal. Remember Mr. Weatherbee, Riverdale’s last principal? Yeah, he ran off to join the farm last season (LOL).

Maybe fans are right, and Mr. Honey is the one to watch as season 4’s villain. Regardless, he’s going to cause some trouble. But also, there’s a more important question to be asked, and that is, what the heck happened to Jughead?

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