This fast recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies will improve even the worst days

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Nobody makes better cookies than my mom. I’m sorry, but facts are facts. I remember coming home after a long day at school, completely ravenous (was it just me, or did teenage angst make you a hungry bear, too?)

I would complain about how I couldn’t do math (still true), grumble how physics was the death combination of math and science (also still very true), and whine about how we had to read Shakespeare’s “Othello” when I really just wanted to re-read “Harry Potter.” High school was tough, man.

Those thoughts got pushed to the back burner when I’d get home from field hockey practice and smell my mom’s chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven — and suddenly, I just knew that everything was going to be all right. It’s true — these chocolate chip cookies make everything better, whether you didn’t do well on a project at work, got in a fight with your partner, or got emotional re-watching “Grey’s Anatomy” for the sixth time (don’t judge me). Whatever the situation, these cookies are here for you.

The key ingredient in this recipe is shortening. Yup, you heard me. Some bakers may consider using shortening a cardinal sin, but it actually helps make the cookies flaky and retain a round shape instead of flattening and becoming conjoined on the baking sheet, thanks to the higher melting point.

This recipe calls for beating ingredients in a stand mixer, but a handheld one works fine as well. Other than that, this recipe calls for the usual equipment: mixing bowls, measuring cups, a cookie dough scoop and a wire cooling rack.

Feel free to make the dough ahead of time and freeze for later, or bake immediately and test your self-control. If you decide to make the dough in advance and bake later, scoop the dough onto the baking sheet as if you were going to bake them, but freeze the dough until firm. Once frozen, place the balls of dough in a plastic freezer bag, so you can take out as many servings as you would like — whether it’s two cookies or five, I support your choice. You might need to increase the baking time for a few minutes.

Cookies are served best warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and an episode of your favorite reality television show.