What is the fastest bird in the world? How fast can it fly? Probably faster than you think.

The question about the fastest flying avian might’ve come up in casual conversations with friends, in your child's homework or, perhaps, just out of simple curiosity.

According to a study led by the American Museum of Natural History, about 18,000 bird species currently exist in the world. National Geographic reports the estimated bird population is anywhere between 50 billion and 428 billion birds, which is approximately seven to 54 birds for every person.

The house sparrow is the most abundant bird in the world, according to National Geographic, with a population of 1.6 billion. But is it the fastest avian to soar across the sky?

What is the fastest bird?

According to National Audubon Society, the fastest animal in the sky is the Peregrine Falcon. It has been measured at speeds above 186 miles an hour, but only when stooping or diving.

The fastest bird in flight, measured at a scientifically verifiable 69 miles an hour, was the Common Swift for the longest time. However, in 2016, scientists crowned the Brazilian Free-Tailed bat as the fastest flier. Due to a lower mass-to-wing-area ratio and a less aerodynamic body shape, the National Audubon Society reports, bats are slower but more maneuverable fliers than birds.

It's important to note the difference between bats and birds. Bats are classified as mammals whereas the Common Swift is an avian. The Common Swift is still technically the fastest flying bird in the world. In fact, it is known to hold the record for the longest continuous flight by staying up to 10 months in the air.

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What is the fastest bird on land?

According to Bird Spot, the fastest bird on land is an ostrich, known for running 43 miles an hour. To escape from land predators like lions, hyenas and cheetahs, ostriches run on foot. Ostriches are the fastest when compared with other birds on land like an emu or a roadrunner.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: What is the fastest bird? These are fastest birds in air and on land