Father’s Day provides opportunity to recognize impact good fathering has on society | Opinion

Ode to fathers

As we celebrate Father’s Day, I send my blessing to all the men who care for, protect and provide for their families. You have been entrusted with the gift of fatherhood and inherited a high calling.

We read in the book of Proverbs, “Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it,” (22:6). A good father embodies a life of unwavering service so that his family might be inspired to do the same for others.

I urge all fathers to install the tenets of faith in your children.

Build your house on the rock of truth so your family is safe and unshakable.

Like St. Joseph, guide your family through the desert of temptations the world offers and take responsibility for your children’s education. Making dialogue an important activity in your family’s life will help reduce violence in our society.

May you find joy and fulfillment in this sacred calling that God has given you. May you continue to be a shining example of God’s love and compassion, and may your families be blessed by your presence and strength.

Maria Aselage, Charleston

Support equine act

Many rural, agriculturally driven counties in our state are facing urban sprawl and development at a pace never seen before while much of our rich, ecologically significant farmland is being zoned as low-density residential (LDR) by local governments.

We must consider unique opportunities that assist in conserving our farmlands, which is exactly what the South Carolina Equine Advancement Act does.

The legislation, passed by the S.C. House of Representatives, would create a grant program that could assist in preserving our state’s agricultural land. Approximately 70% of land in South Carolina counties with a large equine presence is categorized as LDR and therefore eight times more likely to be transformed into commercial or residential real estate.

Funding from the grant program would go directly to support equine-based organizations and horse activities that utilize and maintain our agricultural land and farming heritage, including growing and preserving the existing horse trail network, allowing organizations the financial flexibility to preserve private property through conservation easements, and providing additional funding to utilize more acreage for horse-related activities, like grazing and training.

Please consider supporting the South Carolina Equine Advancement Act and protecting one of our state’s most valuable natural resources – agricultural land.

Deborah McCutchen, Kingstree

No support here

It is amazing to me that anyone can continue to support Mr. Trump for any public office.

He has proven, by his own actions, to be a liar, a traitor, a sex abuser, and, now, a violator of classified government documents.

I cannot support someone with those characteristics regardless of what office he or she may run for.

I hope and pray this is the end of his political career.

William Bull, Gilbert

Keep watch, Lindsey

Once again Nancy Mace gives lie to the notion that she is a moderate Republican.

The ink was scarcely dry on the indictment handed down by a grand jury of Florida citizens, when she immediately kow-towed to the anti-law and pro-disorder wing of her party.

A moderate response would be to say that while she didn’t like it, she respects the judicial process and will await the outcome of a fair trial.

Lindsey Graham should keep his eyes peeled. Given Mace’s ambition, she might be angling to replace him as Trump’s chief apologist in the Senate.

David Greene, HHI

Thanks, Dataw

For over 30 years the dedicated residents of Dataw Island have been picking up trash on a six-mile stretch of St. Helena Island. Each year these teams remove about 500 bags of trash from along the roadside plus lots of larger debris.

There is really no way to properly thank these volunteers for battling increased beach traffic, humidity, bugs, weeds and mowers. One can only imagine what the roadway would look like without their dedicated effort.

Thank you for caring, Dataw Island.

Pat Harvey-Palmer, St. Helena