Federal investigative team arrives at NY jail where Jeffrey Epstein died, will review if staff followed protocol

WASHINGTON – A team of federal investigators arrived Wednesday at the New York detention center where Jeffrey Epstein died of apparent suicide to help determine whether staffers followed required protocols during the financier's confinement, a Justice Department official said.

The inquiry, led by a U.S. Bureau of Prisons "after-action" team, comes as authorities examine whether Metropolitan Correctional Center guards assigned to Epstein's unit may have slept through checks on the prisoner's cell in the hours before he was found dead early Saturday morning, a person familiar with the matter said.

An examination of the guards' conduct is likely to include whether they appropriately accounted for their time on duty, said the person who is not authorized to comment publicly.

Prison union officials have long warned that officer fatigue, caused by staffing deficits and mandatory overtime, compromised security at the Manhattan facility. A description of the shift on duty at the time of Epstein's death indicated that most were working overtime.

Ten of 18 staffers who reported for duty Saturday on the midnight-to-8 a.m. shift, were working overtime, according to the Justice official, relating information provided by federal prison authorities. The official spoke on condition of anonymity. Guards discovered an unresponsive Epstein at 6:39 a.m. On the previous shift, Friday's 4 p.m.-to-midnight rotation, six of the 20 staffers were working overtime.

Tuesday, Attorney General William Barr temporarily reassigned the warden at the New York detention center, and prison officials placed two staffers on administrative leave. One of those staffers, according to the person familiar with the investigation, had worked multiple overtime shifts before reporting to duty on Epstein's unit.

Epstein's death set off a wave of recriminations from his accusers, lawmakers and the attorney general who referred to the discovery of "serious irregularities" at the federal detention center.

More: Barr cites 'serious irregularities' at jail, says Epstein 'co-conspirators should not rest easy'

More: Jeffrey Epstein suicide casts spotlight on federal prison system riven by staff shortages, violence, sexual harassment

James Petrucci, the warden at the Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, New York, was appointed as acting warden at MCC, pending the outcome of three investigations – one led by the FBI, another by Justice's inspector general and the third by the Bureau of Prisons' after-action team.

The MCC warden, Lamine N'Diaye, was temporarily assigned to the Northeast Regional Office.

Barr vowed a thorough investigation of Epstein's demise, and the federal investigation into sex trafficking allegations against him will continue.

The attorney general said Epstein's accusers deserve justice, and any co-conspirators involved in sex trafficking operations "should not rest easy."

"We will get to the bottom of what happened, and there will be accountability," Barr told a police conference Monday in New Orleans. “Let me assure you that this case will continue on against anyone who was complicit with Epstein."

Epstein, 66, was awaiting trial after his indictment last month on charges of sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy at the time of his death. The indictment alleged that Epstein "sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes" in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Florida, and at other locations from 2002-2005.

He was found "unresponsive in his cell" Saturday and transported to nearby New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to a statement by the MCC.

The center referred to his death as an apparent suicide. Barbara Sampson, the chief medical examiner in New York City, said an autopsy on Epstein was performed Sunday, and a ruling on the cause of death is pending.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Jeffrey Epstein: Investigators will review if staff followed protocol