Feeding your dog vegetables could cause heart problems

Dog eating from bowl - Monkey Business Images
Dog eating from bowl - Monkey Business Images

Vegetables found in some dog foods may be contributing to the rise in severe canine heart disease, new research suggests.

The new research has been described as a “piece of the puzzle”, providing another clue in the effort to prevent canine cardiac problems.

Peas, along with some types of legumes, found in dog food may be fueling the increase, according to a study released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a severe disease of the heart muscle that can develop in dogs and humans, causing the heart to grow bigger and its contractions to weaken. Ultimately, the disease can end in heart failure and death.

Recent research has indicated that non-hereditary forms of DCM can occur in dogs and is often a result of factors such as underlying medical conditions and diet.

Some breeds of large dogs are genetically susceptible to DCM, including Great Danes, German shepherds and Doberman pinschers, according to VCA Animal Hospitals.

Dog foods reported to be associated with the disease are often labelled “grain-free” and usually contain certain ingredients, including peas and potatoes, which are used to replace ingredients such as rice or corn.

Peas are at the top of the list of ingredients linked with compounds that might be related to DCM. Legumes and pulses have been used in pet foods for many years, which has led scientists to suspect it may be an issue of quantity.

Since the FDA began warning dog owners in 2014 that heart failure in their dogs might be associated with some types of food, more than 1,100 cases of diagnosed DCM have been reported to the agency. At least 280 of the dogs died.

The FDA is not recommending a recall related to heart disease or declared any specific pet food products unsafe.

“I see this as a piece of the puzzle,” said Dr Lisa Freeman, a researcher, professor and board-certified veterinary nutritionist at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in Boston. “This research helps us narrow down the targets to look at so we can focus on the most likely causes and get to an answer more quickly and prevent other dogs from being affected.”

Dr Freeman said she was not yet advising owners to steer away from all foods containing peas.

“Until we know the exact cause, we want to be cautious of all the ingredients the FDA is investigating,” she said. “Peas might be a good clue as to where we can be looking. As one more piece of the puzzle, this doesn’t give us the final answer, unfortunately. But it gives us things to follow up on.”

The Kennel Club’s advice for owners is that some fruits and vegetables are poisonous for dogs, with onions, garlic, leeks, shallots and chives, which all belong to the Allium family, containing a substance that can damage red blood cells in dogs and can cause life-threatening anaemia. Grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas are also toxic to dogs, the club states.