Feeling like bit of a Grinch this holiday season?

Feeling like bit of a Grinch this holiday season? Then maybe turning on some festive tunes can help you to get in the spirit….or at least put you in a better frame of mind.

Music plays an important role in our lives and the benefits of music are great. Music has shown to have positive effects on our mental health and listening to the beats can even make you feel better physically.

Music calms and soothes us when we are anxious or sad. It motivates and energizes us when we need incentive to get in that morning workout. Music can take things off our minds and can redirect our focus. We often have vivid memories and emotions when listening to music.

Music soothes our subconscious mind where bothersome negative thoughts resides and harmful stressors live. Music reduces stress by triggering the biochemical stress reducers, dopamine, in our brains; making us feel more relaxed and at ease. This, in turn, can elevate our mood and help us to better cope with our feelings and the situations we may face. So, next time you’re feeling cranky on the road try cranking up some of your favorite tunes on the car radio.

And, it appears to matter what kind of music you listen to. (Maybe my Mom was right!) Research suggests that classical and meditative sounds seem to be uplifting and can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. The same study, however, shows heavy metal and techno can actually make depressive symptoms worse and agitate one’s mood.

Listening to slow musical beats can alter brainwave speed and induce a meditative state. Being in a meditative state can have a therapeutic effect, easing symptoms of migraines, PMS, and even behavioral issues. In addition, listening to music helped put surgical patients at ease before and after their operations. Patients were better able to rest and relax in bed after surgery while decreasing their stress levels. This promotes faster healing as well.

Cancer patients seem to benefit from listening to music. They were better able to communicate their feelings, manage stress and anxiety, and ease physical pain and discomfort, improving their quality of life.

Stroke patients who listened to music for two hours a day found that their verbal memory and attention span improved and they had a more positive mood compared to patients who didn't listen to music.

According to Nielsen Music, 93% of the U.S. population listens to music, spending more than 28 hours each week jamming to their favorite tunes. And the best part? Listening to music is inexpensive or even free. Here’s how most Americans listen to their music:

  • Broadcast radio: 52%

  • Personal music such as downloads, vinyl, CDs, and tapes: 20%

  • Streaming services such as Spotify, and Pandora: 12%

  • Satellite radio: 8%

  • Podcasts: 2%

  • Audiobooks: 2%

So, listening to music is good for you. Regardless of your taste in music, it's clear that tunes benefit our health. It is a quick-acting solution that’s almost always available, and it could just make your life better.

Betty Nufer
Betty Nufer

Betty Nufer is a community advocate and cheerleader for those who need support getting through the rough times in life. She can be reached at 72bettynufer@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on The Pueblo Chieftain: Feeling like bit of a Grinch this holiday season?