Feeling the Holy Spirit through song

May 20—WILSON — Every rehearsal starts with a prayer.

On Wednesday evening, members of the Exley United Methodist Church choir were rehearsing songs for their worship service on Sunday.

Pastor Shelley Andrews said that every time the choir sings, their faith is an essential component.

"We feel the Holy Spirit through the music that we sing at each service," Andrews said.

The Exley choir currently counts 18 members and it has been a staple in the church for many years.

"Our choir is a ministry within itself," Andrews said.

She and other members said the opportunities to sing with a church choir are far and few between these days due to declining attendance and a shortage of music personnel in local churches.

Choir director Joe Breczka said the members of Exley church feel very fortunate to still have a larger choir involved in worship services.

"Exley has a gift," Breczka said.

Member Bob MacFarlane said Exley's choir was what drew him into the church when he first started attending services 18 years ago.

At Wednesday's rehearsal, MacFarlane pointed to a pew in the back corner of the church where he sat the first time he attended a service, and recalled hearing the choir for the first time. After speaking with members of the choir, he decided to join Exley and has been a choir member ever since.

Andrews noted that the choir's impact on worship at Exley isn't lost on other members of the congregation.

"It adds immensely to the service and several members of the congregation speak to that," she said.

When the choir sings, Breczka said, the performance has more meaning for the singers than a typical musical performance.

"We're not here to perform," he said. "We interpret (the songs), take the words and deliver them to the congregation in a welcoming way."

While the choir is a tight-knit group, Andrews said, they welcome individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels to join them.

"They're a fun choir, they'll welcome you and you'll feel their enthusiasm," she said. "They enjoy it and we welcome anybody to join the choir."