Feeling patriotic at Idaho Memorial Day event, but is it really ‘freedom for all’?

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Freedom for all

My husband and I felt very patriotic attending the memorial to veterans service at Kohlerlawn Cemetery in Nampa again this Memorial Day. Seeing the American flag raised and flying while we recited the Pledge of Allegiance, filled my heart with pride. The term “freedom” was tossed around a lot, and the more I heard it, I wondered if it pertained to all. Does it include all citizens regardless of background, sexual orientation, or race? Does it give a mother freedom to choose when to plan a family? Also, as part of the closing prayer, I heard the term “we are a Christian nation.” For a nation formed on the foundation of the freedom to practice our own faith, that prayer left out many Americans who worship their various faiths. The program closed with “Amazing Grace” by bagpipes. The second verse starts, “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.” Let’s have grace to love and include everybody.

Sharon Vasel, Nampa

Debt limit

Idahoans should be outraged that three of our congressional representatives voted against a very reasoned and bipartisan debt bill.

Idahoans — all Americans for that matter — need pragmatic leadership in Washington, not ideologues like our congressionals have demonstrated to be with their extremist anti-American vote. By voting no they demonstrated their willingness to thrust America into a certain economic Armageddon as forecast by leading economists and scholars.

Already down to the wire, had a few other extremists followed our congressionals’ votes a catastrophic recession and global financial collapse was inevitable. America’s fragile economy, our jobs and our 401(k) accounts would have been decimated had their extreme position prevailed. Their vote says that they favor the same tired partisan brinkmanship games rather than supporting pragmatic action that prevented economic annihilation.

Where’s the common sense? It’s time for change. Next election we need to flush these tired and extreme ideologues down the toilet.

Jon Ingalls, Coeur d’Alene

Idaho’s ‘no’ votes

To the less-than-honorable Mike Crapo, Jim Risch and Russ Fulcher:

Not sure on what criteria you based the “no” votes for the debt limit, but whatever it was it was most assuredly B.S. There was no reason to bring our country to the brink of disaster over the payment of bills that you as Congress had already promised to pay. That ceiling is a total lie. If you want to balance the budget, then produce a balanced budget. An actually balanced budget, it can be done, it should be done, but not by holding our country and our reputation hostage. Actually do something really useful. Produce a budget that will produce a surplus. Do something constructive for Idaho voters.

Teresa Murray, Emmett

Cancer screening

As a cancer survivor of both prostate and breast cancer (my bad luck) and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network advocate, I’m excited about new technology to improve cancer early detection and save lives. Several companies are developing blood tests to detect multiple cancers early.

These multi-cancer early detection tests will complement, not replace, existing early detection tests. They can also screen for many different cancers at once. Early detection means early treatment and the possibility of avoiding my experience of surgery, chemo and radiation.

These tests could be life changing. But only if people can access them. That’s where Senator Mike Crapo is already helping.

Congress has passed the Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act to create a pathway for Medicare to cover this technology following FDA approval and once clinical benefit is shown. Medicare already covers early detection tests for common cancers including breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers, and people on Medicare must have access to new screening options.

Detecting cancer early could be the difference between life or death. I applaud Sen. Crapo for taking a lead in the effort to save lives in Idaho by supporting this legislation.

Jim Bigelow, Boise