Fellowship of Christian Athletes program kicks off at Worthington Middle School

Oct. 17—WORTHINGTON — Monday morning marked the revival of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in Worthington after a 15 to 20 year absence.

With an impressive turnout of 50 students, the inaugural huddle met at Worthington Middle School at 7 a.m., breathing new life into a faith-based tradition that was dormant for years.

WMS, in collaboration with area schools including Worthington Christian and St. Mary's, welcomed students from grades 6-8, including students who are home-schooled. Students will gather on the first and third Mondays of each month for an 'action-packed' session involving games, biblical messages and community bonding.

Organizers of the initiative include WMS teachers Scott Barber and Kourtney Leuthold, First State Bank CEO Greg Raymo, Nobles County Sheriff's Deputy Lencho Morke, and local pharmacist Jason Turner. Turner, one of the driving forces behind the FCA resurrection, was pleased with the unexpected but welcome success of the kickoff.

"We didn't know what to expect, and the turnout kind of blew our minds," Turner said.

The FCA huddle intends to foster camaraderie and spiritual growth among students. As Turner explains, each huddle will start with lively games to energize the participants, followed by teachings grounded in biblical scripture. These sessions aim to provide students with practical insights on navigating everyday challenges, be it in friendships, sports or academics.

An informal introduction of the FCA took place last week with the "Fields of Faith" event, a nationwide initiative where FCA members gather across hundreds of fields. This event was instrumental in gauging the interest of the community. The subsequent success at WMS affirms the renewed vigor for the FCA in Worthington.

For now, the focus is on middle school students. However, organizers are hopeful about the FCA's expansion to the high school level.

"We wanted to start with a manageable piece and hopefully expand to the high school. We think the teachings are valuable for our students to help navigate the challenges they come across," said Turner.

Community members interested in promoting this initiative at the high school level are encouraged to contact the organizers. As the FCA roots itself once again in Worthington, there's palpable excitement about the positive influence it will have on youths and the broader community.