'The field is wide open': Aiken County Public School District holds large hiring event

Feb. 3—The Aiken County Public School District hosted a hiring event for teachers and certified staff on Saturday morning.

Aiken High School's gym was filled with tables representing district elementary, middle and high schools, and potential hires swarmed the floor in search of their best fit.

"I'm thrilled every time I see the stuff that our principals and other staff members go to, to ensure that our students have the best teachers," Superintendent King Laurence said.

Applicants had the chance to do on-site interviews and to network with district professionals. Schools were hiring for immediate vacancies and future 2024-25 positions.

North Aiken Elementary School fourth grade teachers DeAnn Coursey and Alexis Robinson talked about the event and its significance.

"I think it's a good opportunity for everyone to kind of look at all the schools," Coursey said. "With something like this, you're able to see where you fit in."

"We're excited to pull in new, potential applicants for our school. We're just excited," Robinson said.

For Silver Bluff High School Assistant Principal Calvin Moore, bringing in fresh faces is the most exhilarating part of a large hiring event. "What's exciting about it? Growth," he said. "New blood, growth, innovation...the field is wide open."

Natalie Fox, Silver Bluff's lead school counselor, added: "It's just exciting to see people come out who want to make an impact on young folks...it's a great opportunity for us to meet them and for us to get re-energized ourselves."

"Anyone who is just interested in getting into the education system, today is for them," said Megan Ball, Langley-Bath-Clearwater Middle School Assistant Principal. "Here is a chance to just see all the different schools. There's just such a variety of options. It's very nice to see what other schools are doing, it encourages us...it gives us a chance to just network and see what's happening."

LBC Middle counselor Tiffany Freeman said that one of the great parts of the hiring event was having the chance to "network with your colleagues [who] you don't get to see on a daily basis."

Laurence, who took time to visit each table and speak with district representatives, said that he enjoyed seeing people passionate about keeping Aiken County Public Schools in good shape.

"They have this enthusiasm," he said. "They're excited about making sure that they continue to have quality educators in their classrooms...and they pull out all the stops to make sure that they get the best people."