Fields: A final by-the-numbers review of the Savvy Shopper column

Today marks the last issue of the Savvy Shopper feature in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. Although this column is coming to a close, we have had more than 11 great years together.

While endings like these are nothing to celebrate, we can still commemorate! And in the spirit of a feature dedicated to bottom lines, I thought it would be fitting to share some of the more meaningful numbers I have run across during my time as the Lubbock Savvy Shopper:

Fields, SeanFields, Sean
Fields, Sean

100,000 - $ saved: If you could have somehow bought one of every deals that has been featured by this column, you would have saved more than $100,000! If you turned the savings into a stack of pennies, it would be almost 10 miles high!

Over 3,000 – Number of Facebook “Likes”: In 1959, the album “50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong” was released. Right now, there are more than 3,000 “Likes” on the Savvy Shopper Facebook page. With that many people interested in saving big, I like to think that 3,000 Savvy Shoppers can’t be wrong. While it fell little shy of Elvis’s slightly larger number, we just ran out of time!

½ - Number of celebrity sightings: How is it possible to meet half a celebrity? Let me explain! When I became affiliated with a newspaper, I thought I might stumble across a famous person on the AJ’s premises every now and then. In particular, I was hoping I could use a press credential to meet Paul McCartney during his historic appearance in Lubbock in 2014. However, as you might guess, even getting a written reply to my inquiry was difficult (and by difficult, I mean impossible). While pondering my dwindling (and by dwindling, I mean nonexistent) options, I became inspired and conducted and published an interview with “Imaginary Paul McCartney”, where he gave sage financial advice. To my way of thinking, that counts as half a brush with greatness.

84,000 - Number of deals investigated: Over the last 11 years, over 84,000 sale-items have been evaluated. That’s an average of over 20 per day!

1 – Number of soreheads: Stanton is a small Texas town with a famous billboard that reads: “Welcome to Stanton – Home of 3000 friendly people and a few old soreheads”.  With both having about the same number of friendly citizens, Stanton and the Savvy community are a lot alike. One big difference is that Savvyville has no disagreeable inhabitants. In fact, the only sadness I ever saw was when savvy shoppers were crying all the way to the bank!

39,000 – Number of coupon matchups: Out of the 100,000 deals I have looked at, about 40% had a coupon matchup. That’s a lot of coupons!

∞ – Number of friends I made: Although this estimate might be a little exaggerated, it sure feels like I have made an infinity of friends since the Savvy Shopper’s beginning over a decade ago. The amount of positivity and love I have felt from Lubbock has been immense. And if it were possible to return all that positive feeling in a tangible way, I definitely would. But suffice it to say that the great feelings are there!

Among the 100,000 deals I ran across over the last 11 years, I think that getting to do this feature was among the best of them. I thank the AJ for giving me an opportunity to share ideas with Lubbock and I again thank the AJ’s readers who have followed and supported the column.

At the same time and while there’s still time, you can take advantage of all that the Savvy Shopper has to offer during this week. Please visit and "Like" our Facebook site (Click or log on to Facebook and enter “Lubbock Savvy Shopper” in the search tool) or write us at and let us know your thoughts. Also, to stay abreast of developments, follow us on Twitter to get updates:

Always feel free to say in touch and keep me apprised of offers. After all, I love a great deal!

SEAN FIELDS is the A-J’s Savvy Shopper. Email him at, like his Facebook page at, or see previous columns and deals at

This article originally appeared on Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Fields: A final by-the-numbers review of the Savvy Shopper column
