First 'Children's Day' event, celebrating youth, held at City Hall

Thelma Barker Elementary Choir singers perform during Children's Day performance inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.
Thelma Barker Elementary Choir singers perform during Children's Day performance inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.

As Jackson recognizes the youth of the community with "Children's Day," speeches, poetry readings, and singing filled City Hall on April 28.

Vista for Love Your Block, Elvia Trejo is responsible for coordinating the events and shared a few words of wisdom behind her inspiration to honor the children of the community.

"To all the children, including my own, we want to express our deepest gratitude for being who you are," Trejo said. "You are the shining stars of our community and your presence today fills our hearts with joy and hope. We see you, we support you, and we love you unconditionally."

Children recite poetry during Children's Day inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.
Children recite poetry during Children's Day inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.

Performances from the Thelma Barker Children's Choir included songs like Bruno Mars' "Count On Me," an intentional choice according to Musical Director Steven Watson, who teaches the children the importance of the message behind songs. In this case, it's developing friendships and giving the children something they can relate to.

With a range of those involved from as young as third grade and up to fifth grade, Watson described how he felt when the choir was invited to showcase their talent at City Hall.

Thelma Barker Elementary Choir singers perform during Children's Day performance inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.
Thelma Barker Elementary Choir singers perform during Children's Day performance inside Jackson City Hall on Friday, Apr. 28, 2023.

"I was excited just for the kids to have the experience and they were very excited," he said. "It gets them used to performing as well, because people as they get older, tend to not want to perform because it scares them."

Trejo hopes that celebrating the children of the community can continue for years to come and expand in the way it honors them.

"For next year, we're hoping to actually have schools have field trips that come to City Hall and hopefully have some interactive activities and then have this event again," Trejo explained. "And hopefully connect with organizers and businesses to, encourage them that maybe on their own, do an event."

This article originally appeared on Jackson Sun: First 'Children's Day' event brings singing, poetry, and speeches