

Jul. 12—At its meeting at noon on Tuesday, July 12, on the second floor of the Daviess County Courthouse, Daviess Fiscal Court is scheduled to take the following action:

—Proclaim Dust Bowl Basketball Tournament Week

—Consider revising the salary schedule for Fiscal Year 2023

—Consider a memorandum of understanding between the Daviess County Emergency Management Agency and Owensboro Community & Technical College for an alternate emergency operations center in case the courthouse should be destroyed in an earthquake.

—Consider a contract with Weaver Consultants Group for Geosynthetics CQA Services for a new 16.6-acre contained landfill cell

—Consider renewing a lease agreement with Hurricane Marina LLC to continue to operate the boat launching facility there

—Consider a fee for service agreement with Western Kentucky University to conduct an archaeological literature search and assessment of potential for the Jack Hinton Road Waterline Replacement Project Area

—Consider reappointing Nick Hetman to the Owensboro Health Board for a three-year term

—Consider promoting Barry Dennis as landfill heavy equipment operator

—Consider promoting Jerry Martin as landfill scale operator

—Consider hiring Hire Tyler Timmons as solid waste laborer

—Consider hiring Jason Filback as solid waste heavy equipment operator

—Consider hiring Kya Severs as part-time animal control attendant

—Consider hiring Christopher Leach as solid waste laborer