Did monkeys escape? Police search for primates reportedly spotted in Cincinnati

Despite reports of five monkeys on the loose in a Cincinnati neighborhood, police now say there have been no confirmed sightings of the elusive primates.

If monkeys are on the loose, they likely got out from a private collection, WLWT reported. However, no one claiming to be the owner of the monkeys has made a police report, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.

The zoo was called by police to help corral the monkeys, which were reportedly spotted around 10 p.m. Wednesday by residents in the area, FOX 19 reported. The search area in the Price Hill neighborhood is located about four miles west of downtown.

Numerous calls were made to police regarding reports of monkeys on the loose near a cemetery, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

One of the residents posted a video on Facebook of what she says shows monkeys in the trees.

But David Orban, the zoo’s director for animal science, told FOX 19 it’s unclear if it was monkeys spotted in the widely-shared video.

“Until we are able to identify them in the daylight, it’s hard to know,” Orban said. “The Cincinnati Zoo will be here to assist and confirm, but at this point we need a confirmed sighting. If anyone does have a confirmed sighting of these monkeys they should call Cincinnati police.”

The breed of the reported monkeys is unclear, but some witnesses say they are taller than a garbage can, according to WKRC.

“I just stood there as my eyes adjust to pitch blackness and that is when I saw it, just standing there, taller than garbage can, and its arms were real long hanging down and its arms are real skinny,” Alycha Tucker told WLWT.

Police and zoo officials have searched Wednesday and Thursday for the monkeys but have been unable to find them.

A cemetery manager told the Enquirer they have not found anything that resembles a monkey, but a flock of wild turkeys does inhabit the area.

Police are treating the reported sightings seriously and said the claims felt “real,” FOX 19 reported.

Some breeds of monkeys are legal to own in Ohio, such as lemurs and squirrel monkeys. Other breeds are considered dangerous and are illegal.

This story has been updated to reflect developing reports.

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