Five public hearings scheduled for Sept. 19 Willmar City Council meeting


— Five public hearings are scheduled for the Sept. 19 Willmar City Council meeting, which takes place at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services building.

Two of the public hearings are for the sale of city-owned land in the industrial park to Willmar Poultry and to Clean Chickens.

Willmar Poultry

would like to purchase approximately four additional acres to complete its expansion, which will be the final phase of expansion at this location.

The city asked $50,000 for the 4.2-acre parcel, a bid which was accepted by Willmar Poultry.

Clean Chickens would like to purchase two parcels to build a halal slaughtering facility, specifically to provide halal meat to the local Somali community.

The city asked $65,300.90 for the two parcels, and Clean Chickens has accepted the offer.

Two of the public hearings are related to the potential

Unique Opportunities

apartment complex that will be located on the east side of Lakeland Drive Northeast between the Trentwood development and the mobile home park.

First will be the hearing to rezone that land from agricultural to R5, or high-density residential, and the second will be to create a tax increment financing district to financially support the development.

The fifth public hearing will be regarding the proposed

THC ordinance

for the city.