Fix our streets: State Rep. Jamie Thompson to host roundtable discussion on roads

WOODHAVEN – State Rep. Jamie Thompson, R-Brownstown Township, will host a roundtable discussion on the future of state infrastructure from 10 a.m. to noon Oct. 6 at Woodhaven Community Center, 23101 Hall Road.

The discussion will allow attendees to talk about Michigan’s roads and how certain proposals would impact them and their families, Thompson’s office said. Special guests will be state Reps. Joseph Aragona, R-Clinton Township, and Matthew Bierlein, R-Vassar. Residents and local officials are welcome to attend.

“The Michigan Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the state’s infrastructure a C- grade this summer. That’s completely unacceptable and shows that our current plans for fixing our roads isn’t having an impact,” Thompson said. “Good infrastructure is key for keeping people in our state and making it attractive for people and job providers looking to locate here. It’s important for our economy, our communities and people who live, work and raise their families here.”

Rep. Thompson
Rep. Thompson

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“I talk with a lot of people who are taking their kids to school, making a short drive to go see a family member or running errands, and they still see those roads they use in rough shape and not getting fixed,” Thompson said. “It’s great seeing a few large, state-owned highways get repairs, but local roads are a priority for an overwhelming number of people, and they’re not getting addressed while tax dollars go other places. I’m committed to finding ways to put more emphasis on our local roads while remaining mindful of what hard-working taxpayers can afford. These discussions will further highlight this issue and how we need to go about it, and I invite anyone who is interested to attend.”

For more information, contact Thompson’s office at 517-373-1772 or

This article originally appeared on The Monroe News: State Rep. Jamie Thompson to host roundtable on roads Oct. 6