Fix water woes or pay more later; WWJD? Not use humans as pawns: Letters, Sept. 18, 2022

Parking woes in Stuart, Fort Pierce show lack of concern for citizens

What are our city commissioners thinking? When Stuart had a perfect site to build a parking garage, they instead leased the property for 99 years to a real estate corporation for rental apartments.

Currently, the city of Fort Pierce approved the former power plant property for a hotel and other businesses. Both Stuart and Fort Pierce are extremely starved for parking. Apparently, these city commissioners give a crap about the needs of their citizens that pay their salaries. I know that I and many others avoid a lot of downtown activities because of the extreme parking issues. They should all be booted out and be replaced by others that are caring.

Donald Page, Jensen Beach

The Florida Oceanographic Society in Stuart scored the St. Lucie River's habitat health in the "good" range before local runoff discharges began.
The Florida Oceanographic Society in Stuart scored the St. Lucie River's habitat health in the "good" range before local runoff discharges began.

Cost of addressing state's poor water quality will only get worse with time

The state of Florida’s water quality is very poor. Dying fish, manatees, springs, seagrass, and reefs, are all repercussions of this. Florida’s No. 1 resource, water, has been woefully neglected for decades. The saddest part is, the problems and most of the solutions have been known for decades as well. That price tag gets larger with every year of inaction, and the problems get worse.

There are several problems causing poor water quality, including human sewage.  Septic tanks do not function well in Florida due to the porous sandy soil. The solution is getting rid of all septic tanks near waterbodies/ditches, and hooking them up to modern sewage treatment plants. Most sewage treatment plants should be upgraded to remove nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous) and not discharge “liquid fertilizer” after treatment, as they do currently.

Fertilizer application in agriculture and on lawns is problematic, again due to the porous sandy soil. There are many ways to implement best management practices (BMP’s) to curtail these impacts significantly. Not fertilizing lawns during the rainy season and using slow release fertilizer in agriculture, are just a couple of the solutions.

Because the entire state of Florida was engineered to drain water quickly, storm water runoff laden with nutrients and contaminants is a huge problem. Implementing much better stormwater management practices is the solution.

Florida’s water problems can be fixed. It will take a lot of political will and a ton of money.  These are old problems with known solutions. We are out of time; it needs to be done now.

Mark Yanno, Vero Beach, is a Florida biologist and vice president of the Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County (CWC).

Public should look harder at the real cost of road work before it's too late

How aware are you of the current road work beginning between the bridges on A1A in Vero Beach?

I don’t think the general public is aware of what is about to take place over the next year. The addition of a sidewalk and a 6-foot-wide bike path is going to come at a huge cost, i.e., tree canopy and green-space removal. Maybe it takes an architect to notice the many ribbons on large trees currently in the path of the proposed pavement.

I do wonder if this will become one of those "what if" moments in time that aren’t realized until after the damage is done. I could be totally off base here, and I hope I am, but it would be great if a news organization looked into the aesthetic impact. I fear this FDOT project has ignored our small town landscape in favor of providing bike and pedestrian access without preserving what we all consider so dear.

David N. Moulton, Vero Beach

Black Americans are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's: We must fix this

In Treasure Coast, as many as 1 in 7 of adults over 65 are living with the disease, one that has no cure and no effective treatment. Black Americans specifically are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s than older white adults. But why?

One reason is related to the chronic health conditions that disproportionately affect our community. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are tied to a higher risk for dementia. Access to resources, increased rates of poverty and poor quality of education all impact the ability to improve health conditions that continue to perpetuate the burden of Alzheimer’s.

There is evidence that Black communities are plagued with a higher rate of missed or delayed diagnosis. An early diagnosis means access to clinical trials, time to plan and make lifestyle changes that can improve quality of life. However, through poor access to adequate healthcare and mistrust in institutions, this is simply not happening.

As a community, it is within our power to improve the lives of our residents. We can make changes today that make things better for all Treasure Coast families tomorrow. I encourage each of you to join me on Saturday, Oct. 15, at Indian Riverside Park for a day of community action at Walk to End Alzheimer’s Treasure Coast.

Together, we’ll walk for those living and lost to Alzheimer’s and work to raise funds and awareness so everyone impacted by this disease can access the resources they need. We owe it to ourselves and this beautiful Treasure Coast community we have built.

James Butler, Port St. Lucie, is chair of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Treasure Coast.

Affected business owners had no say but plenty of impact in pet shop vote

Can local government arbitrarily close a legitimate business permanently? You bet they can, and the Martin BOCC has done just that.

On June 7, the BOCC unanimously voted to permanently ban the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in a retail setting under the premise our two puppy shops pose a health, safety, and welfare issue to our community. Speaking on behalf of the ban were animal rescue groups, a member from the Animal Care and Control Oversight Board appointed by the BOCC, staff, and some of the commissioners.

Who was not represented? The two affected business owners. The BOCC did not notify them they were considering this ban that would shut their doors. The owners found out when the media contacted them to get their reaction after the vote. Gov. DeSantis' platform welcomes legitimate businesses to Florida, but sadly businesses can be shuttered without warning or notification in Martin County.

One owner asking to be grandfathered in has 5-star reviews and employs eight Martin County residents who will lose their job just days after Christmas. Why Christmastime? The BOCC rejected the recommendation of giving the businesses a year to close and shortened it to six months. The owner is contemplating bankruptcy because he personally guaranteed his lease for five years. His shop has zero health, safety, or welfare violations; in fact, no one from Animal Control or the County visited his shop to get first-hand knowledge of his business. They simply deemed him unsavory because he has a pet shop.

I'm all for banning puppies from mills and bad actors who abuse and mistreat animals, but it is unjust to assume all pet shop owners are bad. If you support our local small businesses, email the BOCC today and ask them to grandfather these businesses at

KC Ingram Mullen, Palm City

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis publicly signs HB7, "individual freedom," also dubbed the "stop woke" bill, during a news conference at Mater Academy Charter Middle/High School in Hialeah Gardens on April 22, 2022.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis publicly signs HB7, "individual freedom," also dubbed the "stop woke" bill, during a news conference at Mater Academy Charter Middle/High School in Hialeah Gardens on April 22, 2022.

Looks like lawyers are the ones getting jobs under DeSantis' leadership

Our governor touts putting people to work in Florida. Well, one group that certainly is getting a lot of work is lawyers.

His publicity laws about CRT, woke, and abortion have all brought lawsuits. His ridiculous roundup of supposed voter cheats will bring more suits. Suspending prosecutor Andrew Warren before he did anything wrong has brought on another lawsuit. When hearing about the increase in IRS staffing, Florida's CFO Jimmy Patronis assumes for some reason they're coming after our state and wants to sue the federal government.

And now, flying asylum seekers up to Martha's Vineyard for some sort of warped political gain is bound to bring on more litigation. Maybe, after being voted out of office, he can start a travel agency.

Donald Doscher, Stuart

WWJD? Probably not use desperate human beings as political pawns

Ron DeSantis considers himself a Christian. However, on Sept. 14 he used taxpayer money to send two private aircraft carrying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, claiming they were in Florida because of President Biden’s “open border policies.” (Republican governors use “open borders” indiscriminately and inaccurately to suggest the Biden administration isn’t enforcing U.S. immigration policies, which is untrue.)

Using human beings desperate for economic and political security as pawns in DeSantis’ quest to garner MAGA support is a striking example of unchristian-like behavior.

I was introduced to the initialism “WWJD” 40 years or more ago when I asked my children’s orthodontist what the initials on his bracelet meant.  He responded, “It reminds me to pause and ask myself, 'What would Jesus do?' in this situation?"

If DeSantis was thinking less about his self-centered political aspirations and more about Christian virtues, he might have remembered Jesus says: “If you see a brother or sister in need but refuse to help — how can the love of God dwell in a person like that?”  He also reminds us, “You must open your hand generously … to the needy among you, and to the poor.”

I know some individuals who are MAGA supporters, those who make up that voting block DeSantis covets like an avaricious man his gold. I also know the sensible, mature adults among them have grown tired of the hateful rhetoric, belligerent partisan behavior and crude political stunts like the one DeSantis pulled on Sept. 14. They’re sick of it (as we all should be).

This is what American politics has come to: a collection of hate-fueled gambits deeply rooted in a set of cultural issues that inflame passions while suspending objective reasoning.  Is this really what we want for America?

Let’s ask ourselves, WWJD?

Cray Little, Vero Beach

Show understanding for those seeking gender-affirming health care

In response to a Sept. 11 letter complaining about a lawsuit seeking Medicaid coverage of an elective surgery, specifically transgender surgery, there are many types of surgeries considered elective. Those suffering from severe knee problems may be in great pain and have limited mobility. They may not consider knee replacement surgery elective, but technically, it is.

That the author targets those seeking gender confirmation surgery often are in as much pain, emotionally and psychically.

Toddlers understand gender when they are between 18 and 24 months old. A child can be quite young when he/she/they begins to identify as a boy or girl. Their true gender identity that differs from their assigned gender can be quite strong.

There is an excellent article in the September/October issue of Psychology Today, “What Parents of Trans Kids Want To Know,” offering detailed answers to general questions and about the incongruence transgender individuals feel when they are out of gender alignment. While gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, those who have it are likely to develop mental health problems.

I agree with the letter’s author that we need to help those in need, and that includes assisting those with gender identity issues of which surgery is one type of treatment. Anyone who is suffering, be it from mental health or physical issues, needs our empathy and understanding.

Dorothy Kamm, Port St. Lucie

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Water woes worsen; WWJD? Not use humans as pawns: Letters, Sept. 18, 2022