Flatwoods schedules first Arts and Eats festival

Jun. 14—ASHLAND — Flatwoods is trying out a new event with its first Arts and Eats Festival from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at the city park on Reed Street.

Josh Joseph, chairman of the Flatwoods Parks and Recreation Board, said the city is trying to create opportunities for fun.

"We are looking for new things to do in the area and things people in the area would enjoy," he said. "We're always looking for different ways to bring out the community and give people something to do that's family-friendly and cost-effective. With all the push to bring art to the forefront, we wanted to celebrate that as well."

The festival also offers "the big reveal" for a brand new mural by Elias Reynolds. Joseph said the mural honoring the Corral Drive-In Theater that was on Espy Lane has just been finished and it will serve as the backdrop on the stage.

Music will be provided from noon to 1:30 p.m. by local musician Marty Helms. Joseph said afterward, attendees will have the chance to watch artists in action.

"We will have 10 artists doing live paintings on the stage," he said. "They'll have their backs toward the audience so they can see what they're painting."

He said one or two food trucks will be on site and the intent is for visitors to get lunch and enjoy the art.

At least a dozen local vendors will attend. All will have handmade items, Joseph said.

The local library branch will have a story walk, paint by number will be offered by artist Lorna Rose and an area for sidewalk chalk art will be available.

Joseph said he's pleased to see the communities taking an interest in art and supporting local artists.

"We're thankful for local artists and for the local galleries," he said. "It really has helped push the Ashland area into art."

(606) 326-2661 — lward@dailyindependent.com