Flight 93 familes' 'overlook' to be unveiled Sept 9 during Heroes' Walk

Aug. 17—SHANKSVILLE, Pa. — An annual Flight 93 National Memorial fundraiser will offer a first glimpse at an enhanced overlook — the spot where Flight 93 families first observed the crash site.

The Friends of Flight 93 are preparing to unveil the project next month, the culmination of years of planning and a 2022 fundraiser.

"The Western Overlook is a sacred space where the Flight 93 families had their first view at the crash site in September 2001," Executive Director Donna Gibson wrote in a media release.

The community is invited to join the group on the annual Heroes' Walk, which annually includes family members of the Flight 93 passengers and crew.

A dedication ceremony is planned to open the Western Overlook, the Friends group said.

Online registration and additional details are available at flight93friends.org/heroes-walk.

In-person registration starts at 9:15 a.m. for this year's Sept. 9 event before the walk begins at 10:03 a.m.

All participants receive Heroes' Walk T-shirts.

The Massachusetts-based Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation worked with the Friends of Flight 93 and the National Park Service on the project.