Flights hit in second day of pilots' strike at Lufthansa subsidiary

The Vereinigung Cockpit pilots' union and the Ufo cabin crew union have called for an all-day strike on Friday. The Lufthansa vacation airline Discover Airlines is also affected. Helmut Fricke/dpa/dpa-tmn
The Vereinigung Cockpit pilots' union and the Ufo cabin crew union have called for an all-day strike on Friday. The Lufthansa vacation airline Discover Airlines is also affected. Helmut Fricke/dpa/dpa-tmn

A three-day pilots' strike at Lufthansa subsidiary Discover resulted in further cancellations in Frankfurt and Munich on Sunday, the German holiday airline reported.

Eight of 19 flights scheduled on Sunday were cancelled. Discover said it planned to use aircraft of other airlines or book passengers onto later flights. Ahead of the strike, which began at midnight on Friday (2300 GMT), Discover said it planned to maintain two thirds of its schedule.

On Saturday, Discover said it had cancelled seven of 16 flights. The strike called by the Cockpit pilots' union is to run up to one minute before midnight on Monday.

Cockpit has called for a solidarity strike by Lufthansa pilots for Monday morning. The strike is to last for four hours and affect only aircraft of the type Boeing 787. Lufthansa operates just five of these planes to date.

According to Lufthansa, the short strike could affect four departures, but the airline was confident that the departures would take place as scheduled.

Lufthansa executive Karl Brandes expressed incomprehension at the solidarity strike. "[We have] the aim of ensuring that we at Lufthansa Airlines have long-term collective bargaining peace without strikes in order to realize our planned growth together with you in the coming years," he noted in a letter to the company's pilots.

Discover, which operates 24 Airbus aircraft and employs around 420 pilots, is a relatively small airline operating from Frankfurt and Munich. It is a competitor mainly to Condor in the tourism market.

The Cockpit union aims to force a first collective agreement at the airline, which was founded in the summer of 2021. The pilots have already organized a five-hour strike and two regular strikes since December.

Discover says it is already paying higher salaries to pilots, but this was agreed with the works council and not the union. The new salaries correspond exactly to the union's demands, both sides have confirmed.

Cockpit is aiming for the security of a fully legal collective agreement.