This creature was stopped for ‘jaywalking,’ Florida cops say. It was right by a Publix

Florida cops don’t always hunt down criminals, thwart robberies and pull over bad drivers.

Two deputies from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office tackled a very different issue on Tuesday — a jaywalking reptile.

An Instagram post from the agency shows a picture of the alleged offender, a softshell turtle, making its way out of a cardboard box toward a body of water.

The creature was stopped by deputies while strolling on Spirit Lake Road near Publix in Winter Haven, explains the caption, adding that the animal “probably just finished eating a Pub Sub.”

The post goes on to say a deputy grabbed a box from a Circle K to transport the critter to a safe place away from traffic.

The sheriff’s office’s amusing hashtags included #DeputiesDidntWantItToGetFlatterOnTheRoad, #TheyTurnedASoftshellTurtleIntoABoxTurtle, and #IncludesServiceToWetSlimyThings.