The Florida that’s disappearing: forests and farms, fruit groves and green pastures

Not too long ago, I left Pine Island in Lee County. I had spent over 20 years there, most of them working and living in a small farm near St. James City.

It’s not hurricanes I had in mind when I sold that farm and moved to Suwannee County to start the laborious process of tilling new land, planting new trees and building new structures. I had been through a few, including the infamous Charlie in 2004, which took a heavy toll. I had made my peace with hurricanes, accepted the possibility of damage.

Damage from Hurricane Ian can be seen on Sanibel and St. James City on Sept. 30.
Damage from Hurricane Ian can be seen on Sanibel and St. James City on Sept. 30.

No, it was the disappearance of a way of life that pushed me out — a way of life still strong here in North Central Florida, but almost extinct in the southwest of the state. It is a slower pace of life in tune with nature and her cycles, a strong presence of agriculture, and much of the landscape not replaced with endless subdivisions, malls and parking lots.

The areas around Fort Myers that I knew decades ago had orange groves and livestock pastures, now mostly gone. Wilderness and farmland has been pushed way back, extending suburbia all the way to Charlotte in the north and Collier in the south, themselves not free of reckless development.

Before Hurricane Ian, Pine Island still supported many vegetable and livestock farmers, fruit groves, tree nurseries, commercial fishermen and shellfish farmers. An example is Elijah Sopher, a 20-something farmer following his life calling at FruitScapes, a wonderful and storied tropical fruit farm and nursery in Bokeelia.

With his wife and young daughters safely out of ravaged Pine Island, Elijah has gone back to feverishly work rebuilding and replanting amidst widespread destruction. I hope he, and the remaining growers on the island, come back strong.

Others will quit, like I did. They will see the difficulties of preserving their ways of life. They will receive “offers they can’t refuse” to buy their land from deep-pocketed investors looking to build their second or third vacation home. Stricter building codes and higher utility bills will price many out of the area. Eventually, nearby Cape Coral will gobble it up, as it has been trying to do for years.

Then, one of the last vestiges of the Florida that once was will be gone, “improved” by mass development. The history of modern Florida is an endless cycle of boom and bust. The net loser is always nature: less clean water, less mitigation forests and mangroves, more runoff and pollution.

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The other losers are those that work closely with nature — farmers, fishermen, beekeepers. Over the years, I’ve met many young people keen to the idea of making a career in organic farming. The idea, not the reality: Once they realize how much hard work is involved, they move on to other occupations.

Young Elijah is the rare case that stuck to his goal, became very good at growing excellent food and doesn’t want to be anything else. Not a social media influencer, not a Realtor, not a banker or a plastic surgeon — an organic grower, planting and harvesting from sunup to sundown, in the midst of nature and not from a phone app.

It is sad that so very few will be left who understand how to raise a crop using zero chemicals and pesticides, very little fossil fuel, and not ruining the land — on the contrary, improving it with every season.  The sons and daughters of oyster and clam farmers, fishermen, beekeepers, fruit and vegetable growers are not following on the steps of their families, who in some cases have been perfecting their craft for generations here in Florida.

The obstacles are many: smaller catches due to overfishing and polluted waters, smaller honey harvests due to paving and development, more bureaucracy and regulation, land speculation and, ultimately, a wholesale assault on a worthy, time-tested way of life.

When only the digital and the financial are valued, Florida communities are impoverished, if not in dollar terms, certainly in sustainability, health, knowledge and -- why not say it -- in spirituality, too. Religion is not just going through the motions at church on Sundays; it is also preserving and wisely working with, and not against, God’s gift to us: creation.

Will it happen here, too? Or will the Old Florida of forest and farm, fruit grove and green pasture survive in our part of the state, after disappearing in the south?

Santiago De Choch ( is an organic farmer in Suwannee County.

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This article originally appeared on The Gainesville Sun: Santiago De Choch: Florida forests, farms, pastures are disappearing