Florida Man: Omgitswicks shares absurdity of his home state through social media videos

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There once was a cozy little state in the southern corner of North America that all the other states would ignore. Called Florida, it was a quiet, well-behaved place with courteous drivers and an abundance of normal everything.

Just kidding.

If you were born and reared on Earth, you know Florida is a peninsula (of course!) that invites the entire world to party with it every weekend, as well as Monday through Friday.

Florida has its own rules and its own way of doing things. And Florida apparently has a publicity agent who will blast that all day, every day, on social media and in the crime sections of news outlets worldwide.

Do other states have residents who will ride at speed down an interstate on a minivan hood? Sure they do. But not with the robustness, regularity and panache found in the Sunshine State.

So, yes, we do things differently here, and there is a learning curve for our new residents and those who willingly choose to visit.

Enter Josh Robinson. The Lee County native is America’s answer to the question: What the heck, Florida?

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A Florida man's take on Florida Man

You may already know of Robinson, who goes by his online handle Omgitswicks. You may already obsessively share his videos with your family and friends. If not, you’re late! He’s all over the internet.

As a social media star, Omgitswicks’ observations about Florida come fast and funny and unfailingly hit their target in 30-second increments. His videos document the normal things that happen on a daily basis. OK, they document what Floridians think is normal.

He described it thus: “There are things that can only be explained by saying: That’s Florida.”

Omgitswicks is an everyman with a love of Publix deli and bakery foods and a soft spot for flip phones (he has five.)

Lee County resident Josh Robinson shares his take on Florida life as Omgitswicks on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Lee County resident Josh Robinson shares his take on Florida life as Omgitswicks on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

He takes on nice weather, nasty weather, large critters, little critters and nature showdowns. He also takes on snowbirds barreling across four lanes of traffic to take an exit that may or may not be the one they need, stupid criminals doing stupid things and anything else that gets people scratching their heads.

“People who are not Floridians want to know about Florida. But they want to know what’s REAL about Florida, other than just the Florida Man stories,” he said.

You know the Florida Man stories. You barely have to type in F-l-o before Google helpfully dumps 30 stories that begin, “A Florida man was arrested . . .” It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it’s just Florida.

The most important thing you can take away from Omgitswicks’ videos is that he loves the state. These aren’t put-downs; these are not insults. Omgitswicks wants you to love and understand Florida, too, so the state doesn’t end up eating you alive. He never said Florida was easy.

Let’s leave all that for a minute, though, and get down to some Omgitswicks metrics. On TikTok, the 39-year-old father of two has 1.3 million followers and a running tally of 46.3 million likes for his content. On Instagram, he has 209,000 followers with more on the way daily. More than 126,000 people follow him on Facebook, and he has 49,100 subscribers on YouTube.

He has been doing this for a little more than two years and went full-time last February. Through monetization of his sites with commercial endorsements, merchandise and fan love, he is 100% supported by his work.

“This has been my full-time job. It’s been great. I enjoy it. It’s work that I enjoy doing,” he said.

What's up with Omgitswicks' t-shirts?

Florida social media star Josh Robinson, aka Omgitswicks, is known for his t-shirts and his flip phones.
Florida social media star Josh Robinson, aka Omgitswicks, is known for his t-shirts and his flip phones.

If you follow Omgitswicks, you will know the shirts he wears are visual nuggets he feeds to fans. As with his use of flip phones and Publix subs, fried chicken and desserts, the t-shirts are props that made their way in because he likes them.

“I’m into older or vintage shirts that remind me of my childhood. But as far as me being on the shirts, what actually happened was on Facebook I like to make profile pictures. But I like to be creative, so I started putting my face on pictures of celebrities.

“One day I needed a shirt and I thought, ‘I’m just going to put THIS on a shirt.’ It was me as Bernie Sanders. That was the first one. I put it on a shirt and everybody paid attention to it, and I was like, 'OK, let me add more,'” he said.

The Bernie Sanders is, in fact, his most popular shirt.

Feeding the social media beast

So yes, you can make a real living, but the internet is a ravenous beast, and it wants fresh content 24/7. Omgitswicks has seized the challenge and gives his followers plenty of reasons to check in several times a day, including through Q&A sessions.

“I’ve been dealing with the pressure. I come from the other side as well, so I understand being a fan of someone and wanting more.

“I release two to three videos a day, so they’ll still want more. I understand because when people really support you, you can never put out enough,” he said.

Omgitswicks is part tour guide/part wise uncle who explains the unexplainable through short skits and internet video clips.

For the comedy sketches, he is both protagonist and antagonist as well as videographer. His characters have names we all know, such as Mosquito, Cold Front, Fire Ant and Floridian. But have you heard of Summer Jr.? Omgitswicks just might be the first person to give a name to the oppressive heat of Florida’s so-called winter months.                         

He co-parents two girls,12 and 14, with their mother in the greater Fort Myers area. They all made it through Hurricane Ian just fine, for which he is grateful.

How it all began

He credits his younger daughter for his entry into the lucrative world of TikTok videos.

“My youngest daughter made me a TikTok. I was on there just to watch my kids, my nieces and nephews and was like let me just . . . since I’m here. I kind of just started doing stuff, and it blew up from there,” he said.

That was the start, but before that, Omgitswicks pursued a career in the music industry, taking classes through Full Sail University in Orlando.

“I did music for a while. After that I decided to do, well I kind of fell into podcasting by accident. Just going live on Facebook every day and fell in with a podcaster group,” he said.

He learned a lot with the group, including comedic acting, and used that experience to build his online presence, with his own rules. One of those rules is not using rough language. He wants everyone to be able to watch. Another is that it’s a politics-free zone.

“The group that I was in, they used a lot of vulgar language. That’s not who I am. I’m a dad, I’m an uncle. I’m the person that’s always with the kids, and a lot of the people who were supportive of the group, their main thing was that they can’t share the content.

“They think it’s funny, but they can’t share it. Especially on Facebook, they have their parents or their kids or their pastor. So that’s one thing I did, when I decided that OK, I’m going to do this myself, there’s not going to be any cursing. And it’s been working.”

About politics: “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I’m more positive and want to bring people together, and I believe politics is very divisive. Once you erase that, I feel like I can move forward in a more positive space. It works for me.”

It’s definitely working for his audience. When told it must be nice to be his own boss, he replied, “Well kind of, yeah. I have two girls, so . . . they’re the bosses.”

Check out #omgitswicks on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Lee County's Omgitswicks takes TikTok by storm with Florida Man videos