Florida universities see faculty resignations spike amid new state laws

The big story: Are Florida universities losing professors and faculty candidates because of unpopular changes to rules regarding tenure, academic freedom and other factors?

The answer isn’t entirely clear. But the picture is coming into focus, as hiring officials are reporting difficulties attracting new talent and retaining existing instructors. Resignations are at a five-year high, and job candidates are turning down offers even without having other options, records indicate.

“It’s not safe here anymore on so many levels,” departing University of North Florida education professor Carolyne Ali-Khan said. “It’s not physically safe. It’s not economically safe. It’s not professionally safe. It’s not intellectually safe. That was not true when I got here.” Read more here.

New College of Florida, a focal point for the state’s efforts to overhaul higher education, is requesting $2 million to create an institute aimed at combating “cancel culture” on university campuses, the News Service of Florida reports. It would try to hire new faculty to lead the initiative, if approved.

Hot topics

Book challenges: An administrative law judge rejected a complaint by the Florida Education Association against State Board of Education rules defining school libraries to include classroom collections, the News Service of Florida reports.

School threats: A Lee County fifth grader is headed to court over accusations that hade made a threat of violence against a school. One of the school security employees is saying the case is faulty, WINK reports.

Student transportation: Florida school districts now have the authority to place cameras on buses to catch drivers who don’t stop as students are getting on and off, the Miami Herald reports.

Other school news

The Broward County school district has announced plans to raze the building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High where the 2018 shooting massacre occurred. Future plans for the site remain in question, the Miami Herald reports.

Are you ready for some football? The high school season in Southwest Florida might be disrupted if more referees can’t be found, WBBH reports.

Foreigner’s farewell tour is headed to Florida. The choir from Polk County’s Frostproof Middle-Senior High will open the show.

Don’t miss a story. Here’s a link to yesterday’s roundup.

Before you go ... And to think some of us go out looking for the dolphins while paddling.

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