Florida's new 15-week abortion ban challenged as violation of state privacy rights

TALLAHASSEE – Florida’s ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy was challenged as unconstitutional Wednesday by Planned Parenthood affiliates and allied organizations, which claim the new limit violates the state’s right to privacy.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the law in April and it is set to go into effect July 1. Those suing are asking Leon County Circuit Court to block the measure to “prevent the violation of Floridians’ constitutional rights,” according to the lawsuit.

“Forcing people to remain pregnant and give birth against their will subjects them to substantially increased risks to their health and their lives, threatens the stability and security of their existing families and children, and denies them the autonomy and dignity to direct the course of their own lives,” the plaintiffs claim.

Along with Florida Planned Parenthood affiliates, five other women’s clinics across the state are among those suing.

In mostly party-line votes, Florida’s Republican-controlled House and Senate approved overhauling the state’s abortion laws which had allowed the procedure for up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

That standard mostly has been in place since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in 1973. A majority of justices, however, are now seen as likely to overturn the landmark case in a ruling that could come as early as this month, possibly allowing states to decide the legality of abortion.

Florida's standard, voter-approved

But Florida’s constitutional right to privacy, approved overwhelmingly by voters in 1980, adds certain safeguards that Planned Parenthood and others say should at least halt the new 15-week ban.

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“The Florida Supreme Court has long held that their state constitution protects the right to end a pregnancy,” said Nancy Northrup, president and CEO of the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights. “That means even if Roe falls, abortion should remain protected in Florida and this ban should be blocked.”

The state Supreme Court in 1989 relied on the privacy right in striking down a parental consent law for minors seeking abortion, and the constitutional standard was cited by courts blocking other abortion restrictions in subsequent years.

A measure banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy drew protests at the Florida Capitol during the legislative session. (Alicia Devine, Tallahassee Democrat)
A measure banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy drew protests at the Florida Capitol during the legislative session. (Alicia Devine, Tallahassee Democrat)

New court may reinterpret privacy

But the current, seven-member state Supreme Court, comprised of three DeSantis appointees and all appointed by Republican governors, is viewed as conservative and potentially poised to reinterpret the privacy right, which states “every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion.”

The 15-week ban allows for no exception in cases of rape or incest, but it does allow for later abortions if needed to save a woman’s life. It is modeled on Mississippi’s 15-week law whose legal journey has brought it before federal justices who may now use it to overturn Roe.

In signing the new law, approved as House Bill 5, DeSantis hailed the changes it brings. He said in a statement it “protects babies in the womb who have beating hearts, who can move, who can taste, who can see and who can feel pain.

“Life is a sacred gift worthy of our protection and I am proud to sign this great piece of legislation, which represents the most significant protections for life in the state’s modern history.”

With the future of the constitutional right to abortion clouded by uncertainty over how the U.S. Supreme Court may soon rule, Florida is among a number of states readdressing state policies this year.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks abortion nationwide, 42 new abortion restrictions have been enacted in 11 states, including Florida. By contrast, 19 protective abortion measures have been approved in 11 other states.

Florida is among three states, Arizona and Kentucky, the others, that moved to 15-week abortion bans this year, Guttmacher said.

Some abortion opponents ridiculed the lawsuit filed Wednesday, saying it wouopen the door for the Florida Supreme Court to reverse its earlier stance on privacy. Florida Voice for the Unborn repeated its demand that lawmakers return soon to the state Capitol to ban all abortions in the state.

" Their lawsuit is meritless, as the Florida Constitution – including the privacy amendment that was added in 1980 – does not mention the right to abortion at all," said Andrew Shirvell, the organization's founder and executive director.

John Kennedy is a reporter in the USA TODAY Network’s Florida Capital Bureau. He can be reached at jkennedy2@gannett.com, or on Twitter at @JKennedyReport

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Florida's new abortion limit set to take effect July 1 challenged in suit