You can fly round trip to Las Vegas out of Oklahoma City for $86 this month

Getting bored of the flat Oklahoma landscape? Looking for a change in scenery? A desert? Mountains?

If so, February is the cheapest month to fly from Oklahoma City. Here are five destinations from Expedia you can fly round trip out of Will Rogers airport for under $200.

What are the cheapest round trip flights from OKC?

Expedia, an online travel agency, listed some of February’s cheapest roundtrip flights out of Will Rogers Airport. Whether you’re looking to be surrounded by mountains in the Mile High City or gambling under the bright Las Vegas lights, here’s how to get there on a budget.

Denver, Colorado

  • Feb. 20-27: $58

  • Feb. 22-27: $48

  • Feb. 26-27: $78

Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Feb. 4-8: $86

Salt Lake City, Utah

  • Feb. 18-27: $125

Atlanta, Georgia

  • Feb. 27-March 5: $130

Phoenix, Arizona

  • Feb. 27-March 5: $106

What are the cheapest one way flights from OKC?

If you need a one way ticket out of Oklahoma, you can fly out for as little as $24 in February.

Denver, Colorado

  • Feb. 20: $34

  • Feb. 22: $24

Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Feb. 11: $43

  • Feb. 20: $53

Atlanta, Georgia

  • Feb. 27: $71

Phoenix, Arizona

  • Feb. 27: $53

One thing to note is that the prices for round trip and one way fares were available within the past seven days, according to Expedia. Prices and availability are subject to change.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Cheap flights OKC: Fly to these 5 cities for less than $200