Focus on Eyes: Signs of a detached retina, what can be done and how long recovery takes

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Retina is a thin layer of tissue in the back of the eye that receives images from the outside world and transmits them to the brain through the optic nerve.

Retinal detachment occurs when the retina is pulled away from its normal location. The detached retina is separated from choroid — the supportive tissue with blood vessels that provides oxygen and nutrients to the retina.

As a result, the longer retinal detachment is untreated, the higher the risk of poor vision.

The symptoms of retinal detachment may include some of the following: sudden appearance of flashes, new onset of many floaters, decreased central vision or a curtain covering part of peripheral field of vision.

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

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After dilating the pupil, the retina is checked for any retinal tears or detachments.

Occasionally, there may be bleeding inside the eye associated detached retina, the ophthalmologist will perform an ultrasound examination if the bleeding interferes with evaluation of the retina.

If there is a retinal tear without retinal detachment, the ophthalmologist will recommend either laser or freezing treatment to prevent progression to retinal detachment.

The laser is applied through dilated pupil to form scars in the retina surrounding the retinal tear. A freezing probe is placed on the outer surface of the eye directly over the retinal tear.

The retinal tear is sealed down by a scar from the freezing treatment. Both procedures are done in the office or an outpatient surgery center.

When the retina is detached, surgery is required.

Vitrectomy is the most common retinal detachment repair procedure.

In this procedure, the eye surgeon removes the vitreous, which is the gel-like substance inside the eye, and any tissue that is pulling on the retina.

Retinal tears are sealed with laser or freezing treatment.

Air, gas or silicon oil is used to push the retina back to its normal position.

The air or gas will be absorbed gradually and replaced by fluid from the front part of the eye.

Silicon oil is usually removed a few months later.

With gas or air bubble inside the eye, you should not fly, travel to high attitudes or scuba dive. Any external pressure change can affect the pressure inside the eye.

After retinal detachment surgery, your eye may be uncomfortable for a few days to weeks.

Your ophthalmologist may want you to hold your head in a certain position if you have a bubble inside your eye.

The eye sight will take from weeks to months to improve.

The final visual outcome after retinal detachment surgery depends on the damage to the cells of the retina.

Dr. Frederick Ho, the medical director of Atlantic Eye MD and Atlantic Surgery and Laser Center, is a board certified ophthalmologist. Atlantic Eye MD is located at 8040 N. Wickham Road in Melbourne. To make an appointment please call (321) 757-7272. To learn more visit

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: A detached retina is when the retina is pulled away from its normal location