Will your food or medicine harm you? What to do if you learn of an immediate danger

We often take for granted that our food and medicine won’t sicken or kill us. After all, we have a safety system that looks out for what we put in our bodies.

While there’s more chance of getting ill from our own mistakes — like leaving that picnic cole slaw outside too long — manufacturers, retailers and the federal government do flag the occasional problems with our food and medicine supplies.

Those problems include mislabeling, unexpected allergen threats and bacteria breaches.

So, what can you do as a consumer if you learn of a problem or a recall?

Here is some information:

How to check if there’s a recall

Resources: You’ll need to do a little work to keep up with recalls. But here’s some help on where to go:

Click on the Miami Herald’s Recall page for the latest stories.

Follow Miami Herald reporter David J. Neal on Twitter and on his story page at MiamiHerald.com. He monitors several federal agencies and store chains for the latest food, merchandise and medicine recalls.

U.S. Food & Drug Administration’ safety alert page.

U.S. Department of Agriculture health alerts page.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recall page.

Publix recall page.

Walmart recall page.

The various risks in food

Bacteria: You don’t want to put yourself at risk of getting sick, so if you see a recall that involves salmonella or E. coli, don’t fool around. Toss the product or return it to the store. Remember that even if a store has pulled an item from the shelves after a recall involving bacteria, it can still be in your fridge or pantry. Most at risk for the worst effects of salomella are older people, children under 5 and those with damaged immune systems. Most people get fever, vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea after eating tainted food, symptoms that can run for four to seven days. Don’t use the product, throw it out or return it to the store for a refund.

Foreign substances: Is that blue plastic in my meatball? You don’t want to get to that point. If you see a recall notice involving things that shouldn’t be in your food like glass or toenails or whatever, toss it or take it back to the store for a refund. It’s not worth the risk to keep it around.

Mislabeling: This could be bigger than you think. When food is mislabeled, it could mean an ingredient might not be listed, such as eggs. And that could be dangerous for people with allergies. If a food has milk, consumers need to know, whether they have allergies or adhere to a vegan diet. If a medicine lists the wrong amount, that could be lethal. If ingredient mislabeling doesn’t affect you, the product is safe for you to consume. But if someone at home has an allergy, either throw out the product immediately or bring it back to the store for a refund. You can also call the company to clarify the ingredients and safety. If the mislabeling is on a medicine, it’s best to call your doctor or pharmacist, or return it to the store.

Problems with pills and other medicines

Options: If your maintenance drug has been recalled over dosage (too weak or too strong) or labeling, you have some options. If you use the medicine to control a life-threatening medical issue, experts advise that you keep taking it until you and your doctor or pharmacist come up with a new treatment. If a drug causes a problem, after notifying a medical professional, let the FDA know via its MedWatch Adverse Event page or by filling out a form you can get by calling 800-332-1088.