Food waste can bring pests to your Modesto home. Keep your bin clean with these tips

Now that Modesto residents are versed in recycling their food waste, it’s time to talk dirty.

Food waste can attract pests and create odors close to your home, and maintaining a clean bin can help reduce them.

Here’s what the city says to do to keep mice, insects and foul smells at bay, including proper use of compost bags and free tools to reduce trips to the can between pickup days:

Acceptable bags for organic waste

Arguably one of the easiest ways to keep your bin clean is to first collect the waste in a bag before dumping it. But organic waste requires a specialized bag that can be used in a municipal or commercial composting operation, according to the city.

When shopping for bags the city will approve, look for the terms “100% compostable,” “certified compostable” or “compostable in commercial or home compost facilities.”

Bags that are certified under ASTM International Standards D6400 are also acceptable, according to the city.

Bags with the description of biodegradable, recyclable, made of recycled material or recovered plastic, or made of plants cannot be used for organic material in green containers in Modesto.

Once you choose a bag, you must email the Solid Waste Division to get the official approval from the city that the bag will break down in the composting process and can be used in your bin. No bag, even if certified compostable, may be used in green bins without approval, according to the city.

Take a photo of the front and the back of the package or attach a link in the email to the internet page where you purchased or wish to purchase the bags, along with your address. If there is a certification organization, the city asks residents to include that in the photo.

Upon receiving approval, the city said it will alert your solid waste hauler.

Your container may be tagged for contamination without the approval, according to the city, which can result in fines.

Maintaining bins to reduce or prevent odors, pests

Pests are less likely to be attracted to your green bin if they do not pick up the odor emanating from it.

Storing food waste in paper bags or cardboard boxes is a compostable way to reduce odors because paper absorbs liquids and smells, according to the city.

Other materials, including shredded paper, grass clippings and branches and leaves, can be added to and layered with food waste to absorb liquids and limit smells.

The city says keeping green bins in the shade will limit direct sun exposure, as heat can increase odors. Keeping the lid closed is also a good idea.

If your bin is damaged and needs repair or replacement, contact your solid waste hauling company to complete a request.

Storing food scraps outside of your bin until pick-up day

Small, airtight buckets with lids that fit on your kitchen countertop may be useful for residents who want to avoid daily trips to their larger outside bin.

What’s more, residential customers can request one for free by contacting the city at 209-577-5494.

These small buckets can be lined with newspaper, which is also acceptable for green containers, or approved compostable bags. Small plastic bags may also be used to line the buckets, however, the organic material must be dumped from the bag when being placed into the green container and the bag must be placed in your black container.

Another way the city suggests storing food scraps until you’re ready to dump is by freezing them. Residents can store food scraps in their freezer, then add them to the green can on the day of or the day before designated waste service, according to the city.

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