Former Fowler church youth leader reaches plea agreement after 3 sex assault trials

After three previous jury trials went unresolved, a former youth group leader at a Fowler church pleaded guilty Friday to a misdemeanor sexual offense.

Gabriel Geringer, 45, pleaded guilty Friday morning to unlawful sexual contact in an Alford plea, meaning he entered a plea of guilty while still asserting his innocence in the case. Geringer was originally charged with sexual assault on a child, a Class 4 felony, as well as a pattern of sexual assault on a child, a Class 3 felony.

He first stood trial in September 2021, then did so twice more in July 2022 and January 2023. The trials in 2021 and 2023 ended in hung juries, and the trial in 2022 ended in a mistrial after a witness stated in court that she was assaulted by Geringer in her youth, causing Geringer's defense to motion for a mistrial on the basis that the statements would unfairly prejudice a jury in favor of Geringer's accuser.

In court Friday, Geringer cited attrition, dwindling resources to continue with another trial, and the possibility of a life sentence if convicted of sexual assault on a child as reasons to accept the plea deal.

According to the terms of the plea agreement, both parties agreed that Geringer will not serve jail time and will receive probation. All felony charges against Geringer were dropped by 10th Judicial District Attorney Jeff Chostner.

Chostner told the Chieftain there were a number of factors that played into his office's decision to offer the plea deal.

"This was a case with three prior mistrials," Chostner said.

"There were problems with the case in that it was not resonating with the various juries, composed of different individuals. We had to gauge the likelihood of success at yet another trial and the ability to get a conviction in this case. We’ve clearly been willing to fight on this case based on the fact that we’ve done three trials, but we have to evaluate the likelihood of success and the impact on the victim of having her prepare for yet another trial.

"In the interest of our victim, judicial efficiency and justice, I thought this was the best way to resolve the matter."

Chostner said the person names as the victim in the case was fully consulted and agreed to the terms of the deal.

"The victim certainly wished he was convicted at trial, but we made this plea and consulted her about it," Chostner said. "In her conversations with me, she expressed relief that she would not have to come back and testify yet again. We would never enter into such a plea without victim knowledge, and in this case, victim concurrence."

Judge Amiel Markensen remarked that while the court does not generally accept Alford pleas in sex offense cases, the special circumstances of the case — namely that three previous trials ended without resolution and that mediation occurred between the prosecution and defense to make the plea possible — allowed him to accept the plea.

While maintaining his innocence, Geringer will still be required to register as a sex offender and submit to "evaluation for treatment, evaluation for risk, procedures required for monitoring of behavior to protect victims and potential victims, and an identification developed pursuant to statute," according to the plea agreement.

Chostner noted that Geringer's being required to register as a sex offender was important to both the DA's office and the person named as the victim.

No restitution is being sought, according to the plea agreement.

Geringer was accused of initiating a sexual relationship with the then-14-year-old female in 2010 that lasted for about three years, according to the prosecution's case. Geringer met the teen while he was a youth leader in their Fowler church.

Because the person named as the victim in the case was a minor, every sexual interaction that took place prior to her 15th birthday would have constituted sexual assault on a child.

Geringer's sentencing is set for 9 a.m. Aug. 11.

The person named as the victim declined to comment on the plea agreement when contacted by the Chieftain on Friday morning.

Questions, comments, or story tips? Contact Justin at Follow him on Twitter @jayreutter1.

This article originally appeared on The Pueblo Chieftain: Colorado church youth leader makes Alford plea in sex assault case